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both. Your eardrum receives the vibrations of the sound waves, your cochlea converts that vibration into electrical signals which are then interpreted or "heard" by the auditory cortex of your brain.

the brain after it picks up the sound from the ear..

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Q: Does your ear or the brain do the hearing?
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What part of the brain is responsible for hearing and language comprehension?

Language Comprehension in the brain is in Wernicke's area. Hearing is through the outer, middle and inner ear, going through the eighth crainal nerve in the brain stem.

What are the steps of hearing?

There is a noise and it sends sound waves through the air and your ear drum vibrates and it sends messages to your brain which tells you what you are hearing I hope this helped

What risks can occur after a mastoidectomy?

persistent ear discharge infections, including meningitis or brain abscesses hearing loss

Do ear phones cause cancer?

Yes they do, if you listen on full blast for a long period of time. You can get brain cancer, but more so other brain and hearing problems.

How listening is differ from hearing?

Hearing is simply the biological process of your ear converting sound waves into electrical patterns that are sent to your brain. Listening implies some level of comprehension.. meaning that you can understand and respond to what you're hearing.

What part of the body does deafness impact?

Mainly the inner ear(s), although the hearing centre in the brain may also be affected.

How can you hear other then Sound Waves?

Hearing depends on sound waves which vibrate the ear drum and are translated into impulses which are fed to the brain.

What do you think th ear controls?

Hearing and balance. The ear doesnt control anything, it is a sensory organ only. It does though sense sound and gravitational pull, the senses of hearing and balance. The information is receives is relayed to the brain which controls movements to adjust balance.

What is the hearing?

hearing is something you have a ear drum in your ear witch every time you hear something

Does not wearing a hearing aid accelerate an already known hearing loss?

Hearing aid use will not accelerate or decelerate your hearing loss, but wearing a hearing aid may keep your brain's speech interpretation ability sharp. The prescription you have for your hearing (called an audiogram) is a representation of how well your ear picks up the sounds around you so that they can be sent to the brain. If you have a hearing loss, it will be represented in the audiogram. If you have a hearing loss but do not wear hearing aids for it, the brain will not get all of the sounds that are necessary to interpret speech. The longer you go without hearing these sounds, the more synapses in the brain will weaken and die from disuse. It's the ear's version of the "use it or loose it" effect. The longer you wait to get a hearing aid, the more difficult it will be for your brain to adjust to one. Even though your audiogram may or may not change over time, without a hearing aid, your understanding ability may well worsen. Additionally, many studies have shown that even a mild untreated hearing loss contributes to dementia. If you need hearing aids, they will help more than your day to day hearing - they will prevent your brain from weakening as well.

What parts of the ear are responsible for hearing?

there are 3 part's... the outer ear, the inner ear, and the middle ear. all of these are responsible for hearing but the inner is for balance also.

What is an explanation of How can we hear?

Sound waves travel into the ear canal until they reach the eardrum. The eardrum passes the vibrations through the middle ear bones or ossicles into the inner ear. The inner ear is shaped like a snail and is also called the cochlea. Inside the cochlea, there are thousands of tiny hair cells. Hair cells change the vibrations into electrical signals that are sent to the brain through the hearing nerve. The brain tells you that you are hearing a sound and what that sound is.