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You get your blood type (phenotype) from your parents, each of whom carry their parents blood types (genotype) in their blood. Your ethnicity plays a minor factor because some races tend toward different blood types, but any member of any race can end up with any blood type. Four children of the same parents could all have the different types of blood.

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Q: Does your ethnicity affect your blood type?
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The ethnicity of a person has nothing to do with the type of blood that each person has. There may be some contributing factors but nothing has been proven to be the cause.

Does blood type affect weight loss?

No your blood type should have absolutely no affect on your ability to loose weight. Your blood type is determined by antigens in your blood. These should not affect lipid cells or metabolism, which is what affets weight.

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A blood type quiz will not affect your blood. The tests are run on blood samples taken from the patient and the blood is not returned to the body, but is discarded.

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What ethnicity's have ab blood types?

I have AB + blood type. My ancestors were mainly Finnish, Sami, and a tiny bit of French many generations back

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Eating differently does not affect your blood type. Your blood type is determined from the blood types of your biological parents, so it is genetic, not something that can be changed or acquired.

Can type A marry type B?

If you are talking about blood types then yes. Blood types do not affect marriage or whether or not you can have children.

Does blood type affect someones personality?

Blood types does affect personality's, If you are an O blood type your personality is you want to be a leader, if you see something you want you keep trying until you get what you want and get very jealous at times.

How does having type O blood affect my personality?

Having type O blood type is actually a good thing. It means that you're able to donate blood to any patient that may need it. Having O blood type doesn't affect your personality. One of the things you have to kind of keep up with is the diet.

What is the influence of Rh factor on babies?

Do you mean how can they affect babies or how can they affect the baby's blood type?