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Q: Does your eyes grow like the rest of your body?
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Do goldfish eyes grow back after being eaten by another fish?

No they do not. Goldfish can regrow fins just as you and I can regrow hair or finger nails and also like us they can not regrow organs like eyes

Is it okay to shave your eyebrows?

yes it is okay. no damage would be done. the only affect it will have is just like shaving the rest of your body it will grow back faster and darker. if that is not what you wish pluck or wax your eyes brows

Which part of human body doesn't increase by birth till death?

There is no human body part that doesn't grow.Related Information:There are parts that grow more or less, or faster or slower than others, but all body parts grow with the individual.

Why do baby bunnies have short ears when they are just born?

Because they have to grow and develop just like the rest of the baby's body.

Does the eye grow from birth?

Yes it does, Not by all that much though. Especially not compared to the rest of the body. Babies have big eyes but they're only about 2/3's or so their adult size.

If you are 14 and your penis is 8 cm will it have grown by the time you reach 19?

It will grow just as the rest of your body will grow.

How do people in south America usually sleep?

they rest their eyes and body and enter sleep

What is the cause for yellow eyes vomiting loss of weight body hunching?

not sure about the rest, but liver disfunction causes jaundice, or the yellowing of eyes and skin.

What tells your body when and how to move?

Your eyes send images to your brain, and then your brain sends electric shocks to the spine to the rest of the body. That's how the Human Body works

Does your hair grow faster while you are sleeping?

Yes, your hair does grow faster while you are sleeping. This is because sleep is necessary to maintain your body. When you're at rest, your body has time to recuperate.

When do sharks grow fins?

They develop with the rest of their body - while in the egg !

Does hair grow on the tongue?

No, hair does not grow on the tongue. The surface of the tongue is covered in papillae, taste buds, and lingual tonsils, but it does not have hair follicles like the skin on the rest of the body.