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No. He cannot obtain legal custody without a modification of the custody order by the court. He would need to petition for a change in custody. The court would review the petition and render its decision. It would be easier if your mother consents to the petition.

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Q: Does your father have the right to take custody of you if you want to live with him?
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If you live in the US... The father's parents have no rights to custody at all. The father has the right to petition for custody, but he won't be given sole custody unless he can prove the mother unfit. He might, however, be given joint custody.

Can a boyfriend who isn't the biological father take custody of his girlfriend's kids if she signs them over because she has gone to jail?

Guardianship, provided father does not have First Right of Refusal. Even without it, he can file a challenge for custody.

I have sole custody of my daughter so can I take her to live in another country without her father's consent?

He can still file an injunction

Can a mother get a police officer and take children from father?

If she has custody of the kids. Legal custody.

My son's father will not let me have my son. What can I do?

If the father has full custody, you can't do anything. If you have a custody agreement set up, that includes you having visitation -- take the father to court. If there is no agreement, take him to court, and get it settled. You failed to mention the jurisdiction where you live, marital status, whether there are any existing court orders, whether the father has legal custody and where the father got the authority to prevent you from seeing your child. You need to add details. See related question links.

What rights does a father have when the ex wants to move to another state?

If you have a custody order she will have to get permission from you and a judge to take the kids to live in another state. If you don't have a custody order, you need to get one. Make sure you are doing this for the right reasons - to continue to have a relationship with your child/ren. Not just to mess with the ex.

Can a father take baby when mother has full custody?

Not legally. Father can be charged with kidnapping.

Can you take away custody from man after finding out he not the father?


Can divorced parent change daycare providers without other parent's consent?

If they have sole legal custody- yes. If the parents have joint legal custody- each has a right to take part in that decision.If they have sole legal custody- yes. If the parents have joint legal custody- each has a right to take part in that decision.If they have sole legal custody- yes. If the parents have joint legal custody- each has a right to take part in that decision.If they have sole legal custody- yes. If the parents have joint legal custody- each has a right to take part in that decision.

If neither parent has custody can the father take their child to live with him and it not be a crime so long as he files a parenting plan and they both live in Colorado State?

Yes. see link

Can a father take a child against mother's will if shared custody?

If the parents share custody there must be a custody order and visitation order. Those orders must be followed. Neither party has the right to make changes without a new court order.

Does a parent that does not pay child support have the right to take the children?

Regardless of whether a parent pays support or not - the custody agreement determines who has rights. So if your child's father did not pay support but wants to see the child, and he has joint custody, he has every right, by law. This may not be morally right but it is legally right.