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When a person dies their bodily functions cease to work at that time or shortly after. It is unlikely that a personÕs poop would just fall out of them when they are deceased.

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Q: Does your feces fall out when you die?
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Can you die from feces?

No. Not unless you ate something poisonous and then ate your feces, but if it was a poison that would make you die... You would be dead before you could eat your crap. It also depends what happens between you and the feces. If you shove a bunch of it in your mouth, then yeah, you'll die. But if you just touch it or eat it, then no, you cannot die from feces. But if it is something else's feces, then there is a slim chance.

Will you die if you eat feces?

chances are you will not die but you will get sick

What are the importance of feces?

The removal of feces from the body is what is important. If you don't defecate, you will die. Feces is what is left over from what you eat. If you don't defecate, you won't be able to eat any new food, and the feces could rot or harden inside of you.

Can you eat female feces?

No. You can Not eat dung. You will get sick and possibly die.

Would you die if you ate human feces?

No.... well yes if that is all you eat.

Can you die from eating poo?

Yes you can from the bacteria from in feces.

Can you die from eating dog feces?

Feces are just what is left over after an animal digests its food. It's not the feces themselves that could kill you or make you sick but the bacteria that quickly grow in feces. If you get infected with bacteria and you are not treated, you could die. The same is true of getting infected by bacteria from other sources. Dogs sometimes eat feces (they like cat feces, probably because the cat's food has a lot of protein in it) but they don't get sick so easily, because they have antibacterial substances in their digestive system. Humans don't have such protection. So it's not advisable to eat dog feces, even if you wouldn't die from it.Your question reminds me of the late actor and drag queen Divine. He put dog feces in his mouth in one of his movies, Pink Flamingos. He did not die, but he described it as one of the most humiliating and terrible experiences he ever went through. He realized how low his self-esteem had sunk that he allowed himself to do this.

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Do butt open while sitting?

No the rectum is always closed. Otherwise the colon would fall out and you would always be leaking feces.

Do rabbits die not passing feces?

In a way, they can. When they don't poop for 24 hours's fatal.

Will you die from touching human feces?

While not the healthiest practice, death is unlikely. Wash your hands.

Why do your goldfish do long feces?

Long, stringy feces can be a clue in informing you that your goldfish has constipation. You can know this when the feces do not fall from the fish right away. To cure this, I suggest that you feed the goldfish the insides of boiled frozen peas for a few days. Eating too many fish food that are full of protein can be the result of constipation, like pellets.