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Q: Does your hair stand on end if you are going to be struck by lightning?
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What happens when you get almost struck by lightning?

You feel static in your hair.

What if you are outside during a storm and hair stands up?

If your hair stands on end when you are outside in a lightning storm it means that you are likely to be struck by lightning. You should squat, keeping your feet apart.

What happens before you get struck by lightning?

I'm not positive but when I was hiking and almost got struck, I heard clicking in my ears and a tingling sensation throughout my body and the hair on body started to stand up.... it kind of felt as if I was touching a weak electric fence.

Where does lightning and thunder form?

In clouds. It is a very, very strong form of static electricity (static is what makes your hair stand up when you rub it with a balloon.)

How is lying down dangerous during a thunderstorm?

laying down is bad. It is bad because a tree could get struck and fall on you. you always should be on your feet ready to run at any moment. if your hair sticks up that is a sign that lightning is going to strike right there. Get out of there immediately so you don't get struck. To prevent getting struck in the first place you should stay in your house or under a roof.

How do John and Edward get their hair to stand up?

They get their hair to stand up by the cunning application of hair gel.

What grease did people use in their hair in the fifties?

grease lightning

Why does a balloon rubbed in your hair make your hair stand up?

The friction between your hair and the balloon cause static electricity causing your hair to stand up.

Why does the hair on a person's head will stand up when the lightning strike occurs nearby?

Because of static electricity. The bottom of the storm cloud is negatively charged and the ground (which you are standing on) is positively charged, so the static dishcharge( movement of static charge from one place to another) occurs. Like charges repel, unlike charges attract!

Give a practical example of static electricity?

An example is rubbing your head with a balloon. If you rubbed hard enough, your hair should stand up. Also, when you are VERY close to lightning, your hair stands up!!

How do you get the lightning bolt?

One Word Friction , Were Hot hair And Cold Air interact and then Make friction ( lightning bolt is Really static)

What is the only difference between a bolt of lightning and the spark that is seen between a person's hair and a hard rubber comb used in the hair on a dry day?

The difference between lightning and static is lightning is formed by giant clouds rubbed against each other and static is something such as flanel p.j.s rubbing together. Lightning is big, and static is small.