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The feeling, yes obviously, you wouldn't be able to feel the tinglign without nerves, but it doesnt originate because of nerves, no, it is the lack of blood flow to the affected area.

yes it does.

some times the compression on a nerve in your hand can be a reason for your hand feel tingling or as u said fall asleep.

and it can be due to a condition called Carpal tunnel syndrome , which is due to pressure on your hands nerve.

also conditions like diabet, thyroid problem and pregnancy ,...can contribute to this problem.

at the same time your job has some thing to do with the condition.

u might want to check with your doctor to help u more.

but usually fixing you hand with a wrist splint and Tylenol can be helpful ,unless the condition has a more complicated origin.

hope it was helpful


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Q: Does your hand falling asleep having anything to do with your nerves?
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