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Q: Does your immune system kill foreign cells and not just germs?
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Immune system recognize germs and reject them?

The immune system certainly does recognize germs and other foreign bodies. The immune system will then try to fight them off.

What is the system of organs tissues cells and antibodies that fight germs?

The immune system.

What is the function of the immune system?

The function of the immune system is to protect your body from infection by pathogens and foreign invaders, or what the body perceives as invading "germs". Your immune system works to identify pathogens and sometimes other unrecognized cells, like tumor cells, that could cause disease and then to eliminate them from your system. Your body's immune system has an incredibly difficult task in this because some of these pathogens can be "sneaky": they can redesign (mutate) themselves to trick the immune system into misidentifying them as harmless cells rather than appropriately treating them as foreign invaders.

What part of blood is helpful to your immune system?

white blood cells are the cells that help fight germs

What are apart of the immune system they fight all diseases and germs?

white blood cells

Helps immune system recognize germs and reject them?

There are many parts to the immune system. The thymus are what helps the immune system recognize germs and reject them.

Why are white blood cells special?

Because they are like your immune system, they help fight of viruses/germs.

What is the main germ of the immune system?

The immune system fights germs.

What helps immune system recognize germs and reject them?

The body system that recognizes germs and "rejects" them is the immune system. There are many components to the immune system. Some components are specialized to recognize fungal invaders, some are specialized to recognize viral invaders, and others are specialized to recognize bacterial invaders. In general, the cells responsible for recognizing and destroying invaders are white blood cells.

What is main function of white blood cells?

To fight against germs and bacteria that can cause disease and infections. The cells work as part of the immune system.

Which part of the immune system is produced in the bone marrow and circulates through the blood to destroy germs?

Red Blood Cells

What cell is usually the first to spot invading germs?

phagocytes chew the cells up and the immune system in general notice it.