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your computer key board has more germs than your toilet.

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Q: Does your keyboard have more germs than your toilet?
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Is there more Germs on a fingernail than a toilet seat?

There are more germs under a fingernail than on a toilet seat!

Are the door handles having more germs than the toilet seat?


What has more germs than a toilet seat?

computer keyboards, doorknobs and water taps.

Is it true that toilet seats are cleaner than lunch plates?

the study show that toilet seats are cleaner because lunch plates have 10 times more germs than toilet seats.

How many germs are found on a public toilet seat?

There are always germs in our bodies and on our hands, but that increases if you do something like go to the toilet and do not wash your hands. There are more than millions of germs in our hands when we do not wash. It is also so you don't get ill if you eat food soon after your 'trip'.

What has more germs a phone or a toilet seat?

This may sound a little weird but a phone has WAY more germs than a toilet seat because a bunch of people may have breathed on it or maybe even spit on it while talking to someone else on the phone while a toilet seat has barely any germs because there arent anything that's germish on your bottoms so it would be fine.

Why you should wash your hand after using toilet?

This is because the hands are the most exposed part of the body that are carriers of germs that can later cause infection. The toilet carriers a lot of germs on the flash handle or door knobs. This is because the toilets are used by more than one person. This germs can cause infections. That is the reason as to why one should wash hand should be washed after visiting the toilet.

If you just pick n apple from a tree do you have to wash it first?

yes it could have all kinds of germs from outside more germs than your toilet seat or it could have tiny bugs on it so I would

Is germs located more in hair or hands?

More germs are in the hair than hands!

Are there more germs in your mouths than your hands?

A person has more germs in their mouth than on their hands. Saliva has enzymes that prevent germs from forming, while your hands touch things such as doorknobs all day which are infested with germs.

Does your tongue have more germs than your lips?

yes every part of your body has germs but some germs are good.

Is there more people than germs on this earth?
