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Usually. See the related question below about the symptoms of the flu.

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13y ago

No! if it happend while you were outside no, but if you are inside an it happens maybe.

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Q: Does your nose run when you have the flu?
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What does it mean if you have a runny nose and headaches and run out of breath quickly and loss of appetite and chills?

means u have swine flu or the regular flu. best to see your Doctor first then drink med cine

Which schools in London have Swine Flu?

No 1 nose

If you have the flu what would be best without the flu shots?

I'd take a flu mist. The one when it is sprayed up your nose. A lot of people get sick from flu shots.

What does it mean when you have itchy throat and runny nose?

it might mean your eye has bacteria in it and you need to put eye drops in it

What is the new way that you get the flu shot?

up your nose or with a patch.

What are some symptoms of the cold or flu?

runny nose, cough, congestion, hoarseness, conjunctivitis, and fever.sore throat.

How does the Swine Flu affect your nose?

it makes you sneeze an excessive amount

Does your nose start bleeding if you do not get the flu shot?

There is usually no relationship between a nosebleed and getting or not getting a vaccination. Your nose can bleed if you get the flu and have dehydration that causes mucous tissue to dry and crack, but you would also have had flu symptoms if that happens. Getting an annual flu vaccination is the wise approach for many reasons, but this is not usually one of them.

How would flu medications work if you got the flu?

Flu medication relieves some of the symptoms of the flu, such as runny nose, coughing, fever, aches and pains, and congestion. There is no cure for the flu, but you can get a vaccine every year to help you avoid getting the virus.

What was wrong with Alexei Yagudin during the 1998 Olympics?

Had the Flu NOT broken nose

What can run but can not walk?

a nose. a nose.

What exactly does flu symptom mean?

By saying you have flu symptoms you are explaining how having the flu is making you feel.For example some people suffer with aches and pains, others headaches, runny nose