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Q: Does your probation officer have to give you 30 days to get clean?
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If you went to jail and you were on probation could your probation officer give you a warning?

Yes, your Probation Officer can certainly warn you if you have violated the conditions of your probation. He can also return you to jail.

Do they give probation for aggravated flight from a officer?


Is the probation officer required to give the Miranda warning to the defendant before the PSI interview?

No. A Probation Officer is not a Law Enforcement Officer. Only Law Enforcement Officers are required to give the Miranda Warning.

Do you have to give a DNA sample to your probation officer in a none sexual case?


Will your probation officer give you another chance for failing a drug test?

no -.- druggy

I am meeting my probation officer about a month before I actually start probation can the probation officer give me a urine test before I start probation?

This same thing happened to me. I went there thinking that i would be tested, but he actually just asks you a lot of questions. Plus nothing would happen anyway. It's not like they can do anything about it because your probation didn't start.

Can you check the status of a probation transfer?

The best way to check on the status of a probation transfer from another county, is to speak with the probation officer in charge. They may be able to give you information if you or a family member are involved.

Can a minor on probation live with her boyfriend in California?

Not if she is smart. She could ask her probation officer, but they will likely give a similar answer. (It's also not wise to lie, or withhold information from them.)

I had my first probation violation for blowing a .04 i am on probation for meth manufactoring what can happen?

It depends on how serious the probation violation is considered to be. Your violation wasn't a repeat of the offense you were on probation for, so it's really up to your probation officer. He can give you a warning and another chance, or he can have you arrested and sent to a hearing where your probation could be revoked, and you would serve out your jail sentence.

Will adding opiates to clean pee give you a positive urine testfor a probation ua?

I would imagine that it would, but why would you want to do that?

How much time can a probation officer pull if you fail first drug test in 8yrs on probation and have never been in violation?

This would be considered a "technical" violation, meaning that there are no new charges. The most amount of time that CAN be revoked for a technical violation is two years (for a felony conviction, which this obviously was a felony due to the amount of time on probation). However, if the person on probation is honest with his/her probation officer then they will usually work together. It's usually best to be honest and upfront with a probation (and parole) officer. I don't know the details ~ did the probationer tell the probation officer he/she had used prior to the test or did the probationer play "dumb" and try to lie to get out of it. With what I have seen over the past 14 years, the probation officer can give the probationer a very stern warning and may 'up' the terms of probation (possibly putting him/her on, say, 3-6 months of intensive probation or make him/him attend some type of drug classes for a certain amount of time). I have a friend who had been passing drug tests by using someone else's urine and after months and months of doing this, she finally broke down and confessed to the fact that she had been using. Her parole officer put her in jail for 45 days and when she got out of jail, she went straight back into the 3/4ths house where she has been for approximately two (2) years. I am certainly no expert, but this is what I have seen and heard for the past 14 years.

How many years of college would you have to take to become a probation officer?

Probably four. A bachelor's degree in criminal justice would give you a good start.