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Spiritual Dress CodeSpirituality does not have any effect at all on how you dress. However, there are many religious instructions written thousands of years ago that demand women be as covered as possible. Men are only required to dress nicely.

The verses both in the Koran as well as the Tanak(Christian Old Testament) are quite clear that any woman exposing her leg above the ankle or her forearm is a harlot. Without exception.

It has one of the most immediate and significant effects! [Untrue and possibly insulting remark about Buddhists deleted.] ...(most) Christians feel anything revealing,or exposing will loosen their relationship with God, or the church-and other Christians feel it is important to dress up or look nice all the time to represent your belief; The Amish are especially careful to cover their bodies. Many Middle Eastern cultures always cover their heads; Jewish wear shawls and other loose clothing. The list goes on and on especially in the Indian, Chinese, Native American, and African cultures. It's interesting to discover all the varieties. I enjoy the colors, shapes and patterns.

No it should not. Although as a Christian, when I go to church I dress for the occasion. If I am taking part in the service in an 'official' capacity - e.g. to welcome people at the door, to read scripture, to lead prayer, then I dress accordingly as a mark of good manners (e.g. collar and tie). However, otherwise I dress casually. Jesus told us that it is not our appearance that is honouring to God but our attitude. God brought us into the world naked and we will leave naked, although I doubt very much whether or not being naked at the lectern would be accepted by my congregation! God is not concerned how we dress - it is our attitude to Him and to each other that is important.

The New Testament does in a number of places enjoin Christians to not be worldly and this certainly applies to dress. Specifically there are a number of passages addressed to women, possibly since this can be more of an issue for them than men, although the principles would certainly apply to men were they to seek after 'costly array'.

1 Timothy 2:8-10 (King James Version)8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.9In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;10But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

Modesty is particularly an issue that needs to be addressed, since a Christian person belongs to God and not to themselves, they are not seeking to bring attention to themselves and their body, nor to cause others to stumble. Many Christians have erred by forgetting that Jesus is meant to be Lord of every area and wants our attention to be on him, not on what someone is, or isn't wearing.


in most if not all the religions you find, modesty is a key feature. also too, the way of dress depends a lot on where you live. for example, it is known that Muslim women wear long garments, with a hijab. most of the women reject it, and wear other things (unless they are from a strict Muslim country). and Muslim girls in Pakistan will wear the shalwar. some christians decides that it is best to wear clothing which is loosely fitted so as not to stumble others. yet there are others, who will wear what they think is approtiate for them. and this may be something immodest. so religion may say that you dress a certain way. but others will do otherwise.

Noo!!!!!!! it doesn't at all!!!! :[ you dress normally if your a spiritualist, only if you really really really desperately want to dress differently then go ahead, but no, it doesn't, most of my family including me are spiritualists, im a normal fun loving school girl, and i don't have my own spiritual dress code, have fun in life, don't do what others force you to do!!

In modern day America, no. Well, certain religions do I suppose. But, I am a Christian. I don't go around dressing innapropriately because that's disrespectful to women anyway and I don't want to look easy. But I wear somewhat short shorts and I wear whatever I want. When I go to church, I don't feel pressured to go the whole nine yards with a nice hat and a pretty flower dress but I might wear nice pants and a nice shirt just because I have respect for God. It's all a matter of morality, not necessarily spirituality.

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certain religions do. ie. muslim but it really depends on the type of religion

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