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It depends on what the litter is. If it is totally free of synthetic chemicals and is biodegradable, it most likely will not hurt the soil and may help it. It is always best, though, to dispose of litter in the proper containers, use it in a compost pile if you know for sure it is chemical free, or recycle it.

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Q: Doesn't litter in the soil help the soil?
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The answer is Soil

What is soil litter?

Soil litter is made up of leaf "skin" and pieces of leaf that are usually at the top of the horizons of the soil. Often found in forests.

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Why is litter important to soil?

its very important to soil litter because when we do the litter dissolves and disappear. its also important because they wont take the garbage to the dump and they don't have to dump it in our oceans.

How does litter soil form?

How should i know

How does litter affect the soil of the forests?

Litter nourishes the soil with nutrients from dead leaves, dead grass, etc.CIARAN WAZ HERE

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Which layer of soil often contains litter?

The A horizon.

How does soil affect earth an its landscape?

You could litter on it causing it to erode away. Then no plants can grow and then we won't get as much healthy food as we do now. Don't litter to help the environment and soil. Also, soil helps a tree grow so you don't want to waste paper because then we need more trees and for trees to grow, we need soil. Use both sides of the paper and recycle.

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it doesnt grow in soil so it dies.

Is most of the goodness in the leaf litter or in the soil?

the soil While leaf litter does contain nutrients which can be used by plants, plants can't get to the nutrients until the leaves are composted. But when the leaves are composted, they are no longer leaves but are now soil!