

Dolphins area of expertease

Updated: 11/21/2022
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14y ago

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Dolphins are good at collecting food avoiding capture and caring for there younglings

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Q: Dolphins area of expertease
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What types of dolphins surround Maui?

Spinner dolphins have at least three large pods near Maui. There are also Bottlenose dolphins and Pantropical Spotted dolphins in the area.

Which area do dolphins prefer to live?

Where they can easily eat! There are actually FRESHWATER dolphins! IN THE AMAZON RIVER! WOW!

What kind of area dolphins live in?

Th live in a salt water area

What animal might eat dolphins?

Sharks well eat dolphins because they might come in there area of the water.

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Tht's a real open ended question, Please explain better WHO DOESNT USE DERMATLOGICAL TESTING ? In what field of expertease are we looking ?

Where do most dolphins and whales live?

Dolphins and whales live all over the world. You can't isolate them in one area, really.

Can dolphins see what is around them?

Dolphins can see with their eyes but they also depend on echolocation to 'see' the area around them, which is more effective than their vision in many situations.

Are Dolphins able to support themselves?

only if they are forced to. dolphins live in big group for a reason. when they are hunting a school of fish, for example, some of the dolphins gather the fish into a small area while the other dolphins dive through the school and grab some fish. every so often they switch places

What oceans have dolphins in?

"No oceans really have dolphins." You can usually find dolphins in a local puddle by your house if your address is 13 balding street. Many people live in this area it is in the desert. you have to be there at 1:01 exactly to see the dolphine named joe jump. It is very exciting.

What were the reasons to observe dolphins at Shark Bay?

Shark Bay is a remote area off the coast of Western Australia. Scientists have had many opportunities to study the dolphins of Shark Bay, as these dolphins happily interact with people. One of the reasons they wanted to observe these dolphins in particular was that it had been noted that dolphins in this area use marine sponges as tools, with the parent dolphins actively teaching their youngsters how to use them. This is quite unique among dolphin populations. Apparently, dolphins use the marine sponges for protection, using them like gloves to protect their sensitive rostrum (snout), while seeking out prey from the rocky seabed. They have also been observed using the sponges as tools to detect bottom-dwelling fish that lack swimbladders, and which cannot be detected by the dolphins' usual methods of vision and echolocation.

Are Dolphins vertebrates or invertebrates?

Dolphins are vertebrates.

Are dolphins going extinct?

only one species of dolphins at this time that are going extinct are the pink river dolpinsHector's dolphins (New Zealand dolphins) are also in danger of becoming extinct. The endangered river dolphins are Amazon River dolphins, Ganges River dolphins, Chinese White dolphins, Indus River dolphins, and La Plata River dolphins.