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No, amoxicillin is effective only against Gram positive bacteria and has no effect on viruses at all. Incidentally, there is no cure for parvovirus - the dog must clear it on its own.

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Q: Dose amoxicillin cure parvo virus
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Can amoxicillin cure papilloma?

No. Amoxicillin does not cure papilloma. Papilloma is due to virus infection. Amoxicillin is ineffective for virus infections.

Can you make something to cure parvo?

No. The best thing to do for your dog if they have parvo is to take them to the veterinarian. Parvo usually requires intense medical treatment, and even then the patient does not make it sometimes.

Can you give a puppy who may have parvo amoxicillin?

You should not give anything to a puppy without a vets recommendation, and they will not give that without seeing the pup. An animals metabolism is much different than that of a humans and you could cause harm, especially to a pup.

Will amoxicillin work on URI on 6 week old kitten?

No cure is guaranteed; amoxicillin, in the correct dose, is very likely to work, but may not if the bacterium is resistant. The dose would have to be adjusted downwards for a kitten, of course; please see your vet.

Can Amoxillian Cure Bacterial Vaginosis?

Amoxicillin will not cure Bacterial Vaginosis.

Where could you buy a cure for parvo at a store?

you can feed them pedialite but the best thing you can do is keep them hospitalized. Also if you cant afford to have them hospitalized, there is a product that will help your dog fight against the parvo virus. My Girlfriends little Yorkie was sick with parvo so i called Amber Technology which is an all natural Nutraceutical company. These guys have a product that works on Parvo! my dog was up and running within three days his stools hardened, stopped vomiting, and had energy! so if you are looking for a product that prevents parvo contact Amber Technology.

How do you get rid of parvo and how much is it does anyone know?

There is no cure for parvo. Treatment is IV fluids, antibiotics, anti virals and time. Parvo runs it course in a week usually. Without treatment, most dogs will die.

Is a virus difficult to cure?

it depends on the virus

What do you use if amoxicillin does not cure your sinus infection?

Amoxicillin and metronidazole are to be taken in combination for a sinus infection. If plain amoxicillin does not work, a formulation with clavulanic acid such as augmentin should be used with metronidazole.

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It will destroy the virus but not cure it in people.

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Does amoxicillin cure PID?

Check in with your Doctor if you have this condition. Amoxicillin taken in enough dose for two weeks cure some patients of pelvic inflammatory diease. But then you have to add up metronidazole as well, to enhance the efficacy of the regimen.