

Dose it count as sex if you dont have your period?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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First, "sex" IS sex, no matter the kind of sex or how long each sexual incident is.

Second, any sexual act which puts the penis near or into the vagina is enough to cause pregnancy.

Third, even if a teen or woman has no period (even for months), she CAN still get pregnant. The more irregular the periods, the less a woman knows for sure when she is ovulating. A woman can ovulate and still miss a period. But it only takes ONE egg and ONE feisty sperm to join and create a pregnancy.

Do NOT believe anyone who tells you that if you don't have (regular) periods that you can't get pregnant-- you CAN! And very, very young girls CAN get pregnant in the weeks right before her very first period. So, don't risk unprotected sex just because you have not had a first or had a repeating period (menstrual flow).

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Q: Dose it count as sex if you dont have your period?
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you get your period because when you have sex your period helps you so you can have a baby so if you dont have sex and you have your period all the stuff that helps you have a baby goes out your vagina its blood and other fluids and all that other stuff.

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Did the condom break or leak? If so, you could be pregnant!

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You dont have to be a virgin or have sex to be on youre period, some girls dont start their periods till the age of 18 maybe higher, just got to be patient and wait for them to start

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It means that you like to have sex a lot! Like everyday or more then once a day. It does not mean that your with a lot of different people. Nor does it mean that you dont use condoms. It only means that you like to have a lot of sex!

If a two year old has her period can she get pregnant?

Yes but a 2-year old would not have her period then. A soon as a girl has her period she can get pregnant. If she has sex then has a baby growing inside of her and she has another period the baby with like fall out(lol) die. IF YOU ARE A KID 2-16 DONT BE HAVING SEX THERE A MANY dANGERS OF SEX. IF U MUST IDULGE IN SEX BE FOR MARRiGE WARE A CONDOM and be atleat 24 -AnswerKing08

Why are women more horny while on their period?

Good question lol. Maybe its because they cant wait till they have sex, cause they are excited for thier period to end, and they just think about sex. But like i dont know. Im a girl though, but i dont know. Ask a girl you can trust.

Can you be pregnant if you don't have a period the week after?

if you are having unprotected sex, your chances of becoming pregnant are 100%, do not count on a 'safe time" or ovulation dates.

How far pregnant would you be five weeks after intercourse?

They count pregnancy from your last menstrual period not from when you actually had sex and conceieved. So if its been 5 wks since you had sex and got pregnant but you had your period like a week before that then you'd be 6 weeks pregnant. Or if you started your period 2 weeks before you had sex then you'd be 7 weeks pregnant.

How much does sex hurt?

very very much! especially if u havent had ur period yet. but dont worry youll enjoy it

If you had your period on the 5th of august 2008 then it stop on the 9th then you had a safe sex on the 10th will you get pregnant?

yes it would be safe well i dont kno