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Kubler-Ross's five stages of dying are:

1. DENIAL - EX: shopping around for a more favorable diagnosis or that a mistake was made. This could include going to different doctors just to make sure you have been diagnosed correctly and it was not a mistake.

2. ANGER - EX: expressed as hostility, resentment, and envy toward care workers, family and friends. Often time a person in this stage will question "why me?" A person may try to give others their disease because they are so angry.

3. BARGAINING - people will look for a way out. Ex: making a deal with GOD. Promising to be a better person. A person might say "If you let me live I will never do anything bad again."

4. DEPRESSION - feeling deep loss, sorrow, quilt and shame over their illness and consequences.

5. ACCEPTANCE- the person accepts the inevitability of death and often seems detached from the world and at peace. "Final rest before the journey".

- Kristin C

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