

Grief Loss and Bereavement

Grief and bereavement are the result of losing something or someone that is emotionally significant to a person. Bereavement refers to the state of losing a loved one, while grief refers to the emotional and psychological reaction to the bereavement.

500 Questions

How do you forget bad memories?

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You can try reframing the memory or seeking therapy to process and cope with it. Engaging in activities that bring you joy, practicing mindfulness, and fostering positive relationships can also help in reducing the impact of bad memories. It's important to remember that it's okay to seek professional help if you're struggling to cope with certain memories.

Where can you post an announcement of a dead person?

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You can post an announcement of a dead person in a local newspaper's obituary section, on social media platforms, or on online obituary websites. It is also common to notify friends and family through phone calls or emails.

Why do men seem uncaring through a loss and grief stage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Men may appear uncaring during grief due to societal expectations encouraging them to suppress emotions. Additionally, men may have difficulty expressing their feelings or seeking support. It's important to remember that everyone grieves differently, and showing empathy and understanding can help men navigate their emotions during this difficult time.

What does bereavement mean?

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Bereavement leave is a period in which a person is placed on temporary leave from either a work place and/or educational institute for the reasons of the loss of a friend or family.

Technically the period does not have a time limit. It usually lasts as long as the person needs in order to recover before feeling capable to working again. If the period lasts too long, the person can be placed on permanent leave if there is no expressed intention to return to work or education after a period which is decided upon by said work place or educational institute.

What does good grief mean?

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It is a euphemism for "Good God!"

How do you get over a loss of a bird?

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Have a friend stay over and throw away all ur pics with ur pet just keep 1 or 2.

What are the stages of grief?

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It seems there are five stages of grief that most people go through.

# Denial or Numbness. You can't believe what has happened. You try to keep going like it didn't happen. # Anger or Guilt. Especially if it was unexpected. Whose fault was it? It was someone's fault. # Bargaining. What if... I'd done this? What should we had done differently? # Great Sadness. You become depressed, crying a lot. You withdraw from your friends and family. # Acceptance. Things start to get a bit better. You may never forget your loss but you gradually accept that life has to go on. You become stronger and you sleep better. You can remember your friend with positive memories and without the sadness.

What is the process of grief and loss?

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Asked by Yerdua67

A great book to help you understand is The Lightworker's Guide to Healing Grief by Tina Erwin. See chapter 3.

What are the signs that someone is experrencing loss and grief?

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The symptoms of grief and loss aren't always obvious. This is especially true when the person grieving is distressed over a loss that is not connected with a bereavement.

The best way to tell if someone is grieving is by being really aware of the different signs of grief. Symptoms generally fall into four distinct categories: physical, emotional, behavioral, and social symptoms.

Whether it is the loss of a loved one, pet, job, health, hope, or dream, people who are grieving will often:

  • cry at the drop of a hat
  • lack energy
  • blame others
  • have upset stomachs and headaches
  • feel as if they are the only ones who have ever experienced this pain -- and they would be right, because for each of us grief is unique.

For a detailed description the stages and symptoms of grief, and how to help those who are grieving,

visit http:




Which is the best way to handle your own grief after a loss?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your grief is like your fingerprint-unique and personal to you.Others might not react to loss in the ways you do.That's ok.Everyone is different.

Be gentle with yourself and let yourself grieve.Find ways to let what's inside out.Talk it out,write it down,play music,create something..find whatever works for you.There will be good days and bad days,but you WILL get through this time.Grief is a process that takes time..

Can the death of a friend cause permanent depression?

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Grief over a personal loss is not true depression and tends to lessen and resolve over time. Nevertheless, major life stressors, like the death of someone close to you, may play a role in triggering the development of major depressive disorder. This might happen particularly if you have an underlying vulnerability to depression (i.e., a history of previous bouts of depression, or ongoing dysthymia - that is, a subclinical level of negative feelings and thoughts - sort of like being a generally glum person), and/or other major stressors in your life too, like marriage, change of jobs, moving, having a baby, divorce. Major depressive disorder can persist for months and even sometimes years. Symptoms may wax and wane over time but never completely go away. If you are experiencing feelings of sadness, loss of interest and pleasure, and/or changes in your eating/sleeping/sex drive, more days than not, and these symptoms persist for more than a few weeks, then it is wise to discuss them with a physician. Depression is a serious condition that is highly treatable. And if what you are experiencing is "just" grief-related, you still may need help in dealing with it, and your doctor can help you to find support.

Use grief in a sentence?

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When a friend or family member dies, you will most likely feel grief.

What age is OCD diagnosed?

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OCD is diagnosed when symptoms start to become noticeable, which can be at any age. Most of the time, OCD symptoms become noticeable when a preteen/teen hits puberty. OCD can be diagnosed when someone is as young as 13 or as old as 60. It is different for everyone.

How do you stop crying about someone who has died?

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You try to remember all the great times you had together....the person is alive while you keep the memories of him(her).... It is very hard to move on, but you should not! you should pass the memories to your children and always remember what that person would want you to do!

How do you deal with losing your parents?

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You can't simply forget about about your parents, but the first you should do is be happy. Your parents wouldn't want you to be upset all the time because they moved on. They'd want what's best for you. What I do is I imagine they're in a better place where they don't have to worry about problems anymore. I always imagine them sad when I'm sad and happy when I'm happy. I have this amazing friend that seemed to get my mind off of my parents for a while. He's still with me and he always seems to make me feel better with jokes. All I'm really saying is all you need is a friend. I thank god everyday that he brought me one.

Are you someone who cuts themselves?

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Cutting yourself is seldom a healthy activity but sometimes people suffering psychological pain / psychache try to exert control over their otherwise (perceived to be) hopeless lives by harming themselves. A different approach is to find a compassionate, qualified person who will listen to you as you explain (to them and to yourself) why you are 'cutting yourself' so as - perhaps - to find healthier, more productive, less potentially destructive ways to cope with the issues in your life. I wish you well.

What to do when your brother dies?

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When you lose your brother, someone who is such an essential part of your life- who is more than a sibling because he is often a friend, teacher, hero... you have to find a way to grieve. some people grieve by crying, others by writing or getting up and doing something physical. don't be afraid to talk, let out your feelings. since your parents and close family and friends are also grieving it may be easier to find someone outside to talk to like a classmate or a coworker, a counselor... if you're a private person you can write your feelings in a journal or create a blog online and just say all you need to say. you can also just go to the place your brother has been laid to rest and talk to him, say all the things you never got the chance to say. I lost my brother more than 14 years ago & i am still grieving, its a process so take your time

What did Dean Martin die from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dean Martin died of lung cancer and emphysema

Do people committ suicide because of family members?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes I think they do. Right now I'm considering it for the same reason.


Humans are extremely social animals, so yes -- isolate a human and thoughts of suicide are pretty normal. This happens with all humans and it happens all the time. Interestingly, cure the isolation and things often get a lot better all at once.

There's good new though. People often fail to form attachments with others due to a fear of embarrassment. If you're actually considering killing yourself, doesn't embarrassment become something of a non-issue?

In fact, if you're really considering killing yourself, aren't you in a nearly unique position where you can try most anything you want, including establishing contact, without fear of long term negative results? :}

This then would be the time to ask the Prom Queen out!

If I sound flip, please know I'm not -- I'm utterly serious about this. Before writing everything off, try some new approaches -- what's the risk?

Can I get an Illinois f.o.i.d. card after a mental health issue?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can, depending on what the mental health issue was. The recent legislation that went into effect June 2008 states that hospitals and mental health treatment centers only have to report people who pose a threat to themselves or others in the community, not everyone like previously. If you were suicidal/homicidal at the time of the mental health treatment, you have to wait 5 years before you can get a FOID card. Hope this helps! -Tara

I don't know where you're getting your information. The legislation that passed (Public Act 095-0564) does not state that mental health treatment centers only have to report people who pose a threat to themselves, others or the community. All mental health facilities are REQUIRED to enter the names of all persons admitted into the FOID reporting system, that DID NOT CHANGE!!. What changed is that now ALL public and private hospitals are required to report the name of any patient they deem a threat to themselves, the community etc.

To the original poster, if you are truthful on your application and denied, you can appeal the decision to the director of the ISP, and the case will be heard by an administrative law judge. Be prepared to bring in your your medical records and if there's any self destructive behavior documented or if it's documented you could be a threat to others, then you're on the waiting list for 5 years.

What is duramide?

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It is a very dangerous drug which is being used to lose weight fast. Side effects include, brain vertigo (blood shot eyes), dillusions(from depression/bad thoughts) and wrath (easily angered).