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Q: Drag the labels onto the figure to create a flow chart of how insulin and glucagon release change in different circumstances to keep blood glucose within a normal range.?
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What are the hormones responsible for regulating glucose levels?

glucagon and insulin are responsible for regulating glucose levels in normal circumstances glucagon promotes glycogen breakdown into glucose for energy insulin promotes glucose storage as glycogen however in times of danger adrenaline also affects glucose levels as it promotes significantly glycogen breakdown into glucose for extra energy

What is the antidote for insulin?


What is the concentration of glucose in the blood is primarily regulated by what?

The primary regulators of blood glucose are the hormones glucagon and insulin. Glucagon raises it and insulin lowers it.

What does glucagon do?

from what i know the function of glucagon is to convert glucogen into glucose when there is deficiency of glucose in the body where the glucogen is the access glucose which converted by the insulin

How the hormones glucagon and insulin work together to control blood-glucose levels?

The pancreas has specialized cells that make two different hormones, insulin and glucagon. These two hormones control the level of glucose in the blood. Insulin lowers blood-glucose levels by telling the liver to convert glucose into glycose and to store glycogen for the future. Glucagon has the opposite effect. It tells the liver to convert glycogen into glucose and to release the glucose into the blood.

How does the hormone regulates blood glucose levels?

The hormone that regulates blood glucose levels is insulin plus a second hormone, glucagon. Insulin lowers blood glucose levels and glucagon increases blood glucose levels. Insulin actually carries the glucose molecule across the cell membrane. That is how it actually lowers the glucose molecules in the blood. Glucagon causes the liver, which stores glycogen, to convert it to glucose which is released in the blood. These two hormones form a feedback mechanism which keeps glucose stable.

What hormone is secreted when blood glucose is high?

insulin is secreted in response to high blood sugar.

Are insulin and glucagon antagonistic hormones?

Yes insulin and glucagon are antagonistic hormones, as they antagonize, or incite a reaction, the liver into transforming glucose into glycogen when the blood sugar levels are high (insulin), and transforming glycogen into glucose when the blood sugar levels are low (glucagon).

What does pancreas secrete when blood glucose falls?

Pancreas detects blood glucose level by its cells called "Islets of Langerhans." When the blood glucose level is too high, it releases insulin. When it becomes too low, the pancreas then releases glucagon to elevate a low blood glucose.

What is the hormone from the pancreas which functions in opposition to insulin known as?

The hormone from the pancreas which functions in opposition to insulin is glucagon. It raises blood sugar levels by promoting the breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the liver.

Which hormone antagonizes glucagon?

This is the hormone glucogon. The two work together to maintain homeostatis of blood glucose.

What hormone is responsible for the change in blood glucose between 7am and 11am?

Insulin or Glucagon. I put Insulin 7-11, Glucagon 3-5