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It does have a strong odor and can be unpleasant if you are not familiar to it. There are plenty of people who love the smell and taste. It's an acquired thing.

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Q: Durian is a fruit from southeast Asia What is durian's best-known characteristic?
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How do durian reproduce?

Durians reproduce by seeds.

Does tiger eat durian?

yes they do. tiger came to across their mutual eating habit when the durians season. its occur that the smell of durians attract them to eat durian.

Where do Durian trees originate from?

i am guessing south east asia.. i love durian!!! i miss it soooo much!! they don't have durians in the States..

Do supermarket sell durians?

You can buy durian all over Malaysia and Indonesia, but if that's not an option, you can probably find durians at any store that sells Malaysian or Indonesian produce.

What environment does the durian grow in?

The Durian grows in Indonesia and Thailand.

What is scientific name of Durian?

A durian is a fruit tree that grows in Asia. The fruits can grow 12 inches long and are 6 inches in diameter. It has a pleasant fragrance and is favored by some. Others do not prefer the smell and compare it to rotten onions.

Characteristic of durian?

Durian is a fruit that has many distinguishing characteristics. One major characteristic of this fruit is its pungent odor. For many, this is what causes them to either love or hate the fruit, along with its soft and creamy yellow flesh.

Which fruit is forbidden in many Asian hotel rooms?

Durians * The stinking fruit. During the riping process this fruit spreads a bad smell. This is so bad that in south-east Asia the fruit may not be taken into an airplane or hotels. * The taste of the durian is very good and special, like vanilla. So special that even durian parties are organised. * Do not store the durian, it smells too bad. * Nutrition Facts * Selection * Recipes * Acidity For all durian information go to: Durian OnLine (DOL)

What are the fruits begin with the letter d?

durian Davidson's plum drumstick dragon fruit

What does durian taste like?

1) It is difficult to describe the taste of a durian since, a) there is little to compare it with and b) not all durians taste the same. I think a sweet butterscotch type of taste is probably near. 2) It smells awkwardly sweet, and tastes like a mix between pineapple and raw onions. (I found it quite unpleasant.) 3.) It taste like Heaven, smell like Hell but you can drink Durian as juice in Mandura beverage and it really taste like Heaven

What is the most smelly food in the world?

Durian from Southeast Asia.

What are some Thai dishes that begin with the letter D?

"durian" - a stinky fruit found in southeast Asia