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The bone that may break is the xiphoid process.

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Q: During CPR which bone can be broken in the sternum area?
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Related questions

What bone does the sternum protect?

The sternum IS a bone.

Is sternum a strong bone than femur?

No in fact your sternum is rather weak and easily broken. Usually resulting in death. No in fact your sternum is rather weak and easily broken. Usually resulting in death.

What is the sternum bone?

The sternum bone is in the middle of your chest, right above your heart and lungs.

What kind of tissue is the sternum?

The sternum is bone.

What is the shape of the sternum?

The sternum is a flat bone

What is the meaning of the word clavicle?

The clavicle is a body part. It is the bone linking the scapula and the sternum. It goes from your shoulder to the chest. It is an important bone. It can be broken easily.

When you landmark during CPR compressions what bone are you trying not to break from the sternum?

You are trying not to break the xiphoid process bone.

What bone is breast bone?


What is the bone at the center of the ribs?

It is known as the sternumThis is the sternum or breastbone and provides an anchoring point for the chest muscles and ribs.I may or may not be wrong, but I think it might be the sternum. Hope this helped. =)Breastbone or Sternum (Scientific Name)..... Is that what you were talking about (it is between the ribs)

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Which is not a arm bone humerus radius sternum or ulna?


What is the cavicle?

It is the same as the collar bone. It runs between the sternum (chest bone) and humerus (arm bone) It doesn't have a strict articulation with the arm, but is held by ligaments. Easily broken but heals readily.