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Ronald Regan increased spending on the military

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Q: During Reagan's presidency federal spending increased most for what?
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During reagans presidency federal spending increased most for?

Ronald Regan increased spending on the military

What was part of reagans political agenda as he campaigned for the presidency in 1980?

Decreasing the size of federal government.

How did government spending affect the economy-?

Federal spending on forgein aid increased demand for U.S goods.

Which was not a Republican ideal that Thomas Jefferson wanted to use in the presidency?

increased number of federal courts

How did Congress want to reduce the massive Federal deficit caused by the Reagan years?

He kept taxes low and increased govt. spending.

Which was a Republican ideal that Thomas Jefferson wanted to use in his presidency?

More powerful judiciary

What consumer behavior is the Federal Reserve Board trying to encourage when it implements a loose monetary policy?

decreased saving and increased spending

In what ways has the government grown since the great depression?

Government spending at all levels-federal, state, and local-has increased significantly over the years.

Most federal mandatory spending is spent on?

Most federal mandatory spending is spent on entitlements.

Why did John Maynard Keynes argue for the concept of deficit spending?

what did john maynard Keynes support the idea of pump priming despite increased federal budget deficits

What will increased consumer spending?

Consumer spending is called consumption, which is a component of Aggregate Demand in our economy. In monetary policy, the Federal Reserve can buy treasuries, lower the reserve requirement, and lower the discount rate which will increase consumption. In fiscal policy, the government can cut taxes to increase consumer spending.

What is the largest area of federal spending today?

The largest area of federal spending today is for social security. This is followed by Medicare, and Medicaid. Next in line is defense spending.