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Q: During an isotonic contraction which point of attachment moves closer to the body?
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What happens to z line disc during contraction?

it comes closer and m line becomes dense

Near or closer to the point of attachment?

You mean the proximal point of attachment.

What is the healing process during which the edges of a wound are pulled closer together?

Cicatricial contraction is the healing process during which the edges of a wound shrink and pulled closer together. The scar left by this process is called a cicatrix.

What happens to a Z line during contraction?

the Z line discs come closer together and the & the width of the I band decreases.. or narrows

When molecules move closer together in a bridge during winter how does a bridge not break from the molecules coming closer together?

They design bridges with mechanical sliding gaps to avoid any damage due to thermal expansion/contraction.

Why is interaction so vital to attachment?

You cannot grow closer to someone you do not talk to or share ideas with.

Is the upper arm distal to the forearm?

Yes. the upper arm is closer to the origin of attachment to body truck than is the forearm

What is the closest to the point of attachment in midical terms?

In medical terms, the closest point of attachment is referred to as the proximal end. This typically refers to the end of a bone or muscle that is closer to the center of the body or the point of origin.

Examples of different types of muscular contraction relating to four types of physical activity?

=1. Throwing a ball in a football match - this would be a concentric contraction because when bringing the ball behind the head your biceps do the concentric contraction. This is because the two ends of the bicep come closer to each other when doing the action. == ==2. pomallhorses in gymnastic - this is a isometric contraction because the biceps and triceps when doing this the ends of the muscle do not come closer of get further away form each other they stay the same. == ==3. Kicking a ball in rugby - this is an concentric contraction because the ends of the hamstring get further away when doing this action therefore it is a concentric contractions.== ==4. Sit ups - when doing sit ups your abdominals get closer when you sit up form the floor there for this is a concentric contraction.=

What do particles do during expansion and contraction?

If the object is heated it will expand because the particles gain energy from the heat and move about more vigorously causing them to bump into each other and move further and further apart. When the substance is cooled (gets cold) the particles slow down and move closer and closer together causing the object to contract.

Points of muscle attachment are known as the?

Origin and Insertion One of the points of attachment is the ORIGIN (typically the non-moving point of attachment). The other point of attachment is the INSERTION (typically the moving point of attachment). For example - when the brachialis muscle (located on the upper arm) contracts - it shortens the distance between the origin (on the humerus - the upper arm bone and the insertion (on the radius - the forearm bone). The humerus does not move, but the radius does move - it moves closer to the humerus.

What is the change in appperence of a myofibril during contraction with the I band?

In skeletal muscle contraction, the thin filaments of the sarcomere slide toward the M line, in between the thick filaments. This is called the sliding filament theory. The width of the A zone stays the same, but the Z lines move closer together. As the sarcomeres shorten and appear closer together, the muscle pulls together, producing tension that moves whatever it is attached to.Contraction is an active process; relaxation and return to resting length is entirely passive.