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which of the following foods leaves the stomach first?

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Q: During digestion what food group leaves the stomach first?
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Where does carbohydrate digestion takes place?

Digestion first takes place in the mouth, then the stomach, and then in the small intestines.

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The organ that is the first major site chemical digestion?

The first major site of chemical digestion in frog is their stomach

What is the function of the stomach in the dog's digestive system?

The dog's stomach is where food arrives after the dog has swallowed. In dogs, the stomach is where the first stage of digestion takes place. Digestion is the process by which food is broken down into its simplest components, ready to be absorbed into, and utilised by, the body. The lining of the stomach secretes hydrochloric acid, mucous and digestive enzymes, and stores the food during this first stage of the digestive process. A churning action of the strong, muscular stomach walls mixes the stomach contents all together. Finally, when the mixture has reached a thick, milky consistency, (this liquid is called "chyme"), and the initial stage of digestion has been completed, the stomach regulates the flow of the chyme into the duodenum, which is the first part of the small intestine.

Does protein digestion occur in the duodenum or ileum?

It occurs first in the stomach and then in the duodenum.

What is the function of the stomach in a crayfish?

Chitinous teeth aid in food digestion by helping to further break down food to smaller particles.

Is the small intestine is the last step in digestion.?

False, it is the first step in digestion. ---------------------- No - but the above is not true either, the small intestine comes after the stomach and mouth and digestion starts in the mouth.

Is the stomach the first site where absorption takes place?

No it is not, the stomach initiates protein digestion and denatures proteins. The intestines is the first site where absorption takes place.

Which parts of the system started the digestion?

The first step in digestion occurs in the mouth where enzymes in the saliva begin to break down food ready for the stomach.

Where does the digestion occur in the body?

It starts in your mouth and ends in your large intestine.

Which of the following is a feature of the muscular actions of digestion?

Peristalsis begins first in the stomach upon the initiation of the swallowing reflex

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