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It occurs first in the stomach and then in the duodenum.

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Q: Does protein digestion occur in the duodenum or ileum?
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Where does the digestion of most macromolecules occur?

In the small intestines , mostly in the duodenum part of it

What are the sites and enzymes that digest protein in the body?

The first stages of digestion for protein occur in the stomach, here the enzyme pepsin breaks down the majority of the protein into separate amino acid molecules. The next stage is in the duodenum of the small intestine.

Where does most protein digestion occur in humans?

Most protein digestion occurs in the stomach. However, further digestion of proteins also occurs in the small intestine.

When does digestion occur for protein?

I dont know if this is your question but protein occurs in the stomach and breaks down protein into amino acids Hope this was the answer to your question :)

What organ produces protein?

The protein is first digested in the stomach, where it is broken down by the acid and enzymes.Then it goes into the small intestine, where enzymes from the pancreas help to break it down further into individual amino acids.The organs that assist with protein digestion are bold.

Where does macromolecule digestion occur?

CHO (Carbohydrate) PRO (protein) and FAT (fat)

Most of the chemical digestion occurring in the?

most chemical digestion occur starting from duoduenum, small intestine. starch start from saliva in mouth, protein in stomach.

Digestion begins in the?

Digestion of some fats can begin in the mouth where lingual lipase breaks down some short chain lipids into diglycerides. However fats are mainly digested in the small intestine. The presence of fat in the small intestine produces hormones that stimulate the release of pancreatic lipase from the pancreas and bile from the liver which helps in the emulsification of fats for absorption fatty acids.

What is made in the duodenum?

The duodenum, or upper third of the small intestine, is the last part of digestive tract where actual digestion actually occurs. (Additional processing may occur in the liver.) Tubes from the liver and the pancreas go to the duodenum. They neutralize stomach acid and add enzymes which cause additional digestion. (Some of those enzymes are recovered from the large intestine.) At the end of the duodenum, digestion ends and digested food begins flowing through veins into the liver.

When does santorum occur in your digestion?

It does not occur during digestion. Santorum occurs inside the bowels usually.

In which body compartment does carbohydrate digestion not occur?

carbohydrate digestion doesn't occur in the stomach and the large intestine.

Where in the body does peptic ulcer disease occur?

Peptic ulcer occur in stomach and duodenum. It is also occur at times in Meckel's diverticulum.