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Q: During progressive era Jane Addams responded to urban conditions by working to establish?
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How did socialists respond to new and harsh working conditions?

Socialists responded to new and harsh working conditions by pushing for laws that would regulate them. They sought a minimum wage and an eight-hour workday.

Which novel detailed working conditions in the meatpacking industry during the Progressive Era?

The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, was about working conditions in the meatpacking industry.

What were some contributions of labor reforms during the progressive era?

labor unions were workers on strike during the progressive era demanding better working conditions & shorter working hours.

The poor working conditions in many of early factories gave rise to?

The poor working conditions in factories gave rise to infectious diseases, work-related in juries and alcoholism. The Progressive Movement sought to improve conditions for workers.

What were any 3 achievements of the Progressive Movement?

The 3 achievements of the Progressive Movement is that they were able to improve the working conditions, they helped get rid of the corrupt officials and helped fight alcoholism and drug abuse.

What were goals of the American progressives?

The Progressive Party wanted to reform American government. They wanted to improve working conditions, end child labor, and conserve Natural Resources.

What Influenced the progressive movement through exposing the conditions of New York's working class in How the Other Half Lives?

Jacob Riis

When was Progressive Party of Working People created?

Progressive Party of Working People was created in 1926.

Why was it considered necessary to establish OSHA?

To assure that every worker in the nation has safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve human resources

What did the American Federation of labor help unions accomplish?

The AFL helped establish better working conditions in sweatshops and other work places.

Past progressive form for work?

The past perfect progressive tense of work is "had been working".

Why does the legislature need to establish administrative agencies?

The legislature needs to establish administrative agencies in order to administer or enforce statutes enacted by Congress in specific areas such as communication, aviation, labor relations, working conditions, and so on.