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During slavery, many enslaved Black individuals were required to worship in white churches as their own spiritual practices were often forbidden. This segregation of worship spaces reinforced power dynamics and control over enslaved people.

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Q: During slavery most blacks went to worship into white churches or?
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Was it ever hard for Saint Katharine Drexel to practice her faith?

Saint Katharine Drexel faced challenges in practicing her faith, particularly in a wealthy and privileged society that she was born into. However, she remained steadfast in her dedication to serving marginalized communities and promoting social justice through her faith. Her commitment to her beliefs ultimately led her to become a devout advocate for racial equality and education for Native and African American communities.

How was Tubman like Moses in the Bible what was her promise land?

Harriet Tubman, known as the "Moses of her people," helped lead enslaved individuals to freedom through the Underground Railroad, similar to how Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. The "promised land" for Tubman and those she helped was the North, where they would be free from slavery and oppression.

Why did the COGIC split from AG church?

The split between the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) and the Assemblies of God (AG) occurred due to theological differences, particularly over the doctrine of the Trinity. COGIC emphasized a Oneness Pentecostal view of the Godhead, while AG supported the traditional Trinitarian belief. This theological disagreement led to the separation of the two churches.

I am doing a SBA and the question is asked to compare slavery with the apprenticeship system - What are the religious institutions in the apprenticeship system in 1834. thanks in advance?

In 1834, the main religious institutions in the apprenticeship system were Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, and Moravian churches. These institutions played a significant role in overseeing the moral and religious well-being of apprentices, as well as providing education and spiritual guidance. They were also involved in the management of apprenticeship arrangements and resolving disputes within the system.

Is it true that one thing that most southerners shared was their religion it was only time that blacks and whites mixed?

While it is true that religion was a significant aspect of culture in the American South, it is not accurate to say that it was the only thing shared among southerners. There were many other cultural elements, such as traditions, values, and food, that were also commonly shared. The mixing of blacks and whites in the South was a complex and gradual process influenced by various social, political, and economic factors throughout history.