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Q: During the Age of Absolutism (1600-1700s) European monarchs tried to?
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The age of absolute monarchs?

The age of absolutism was 1550-1770 CE. During this time period European monarchs established absolute rule based on claims of divine right.

What were European attempting to do during the age of absolutism?

Absolutism was a purposeful attempt by European rulers to extend their control in the lands they ruled.

What were European rulers attempting to to during the age of absolutism?

Absolutism was a purposeful attempt by European rulers to extend their control in the lands they ruled.

What were the europeans rulers attempting to do during the age of absolutism?

Absolutism was a purposeful attempt by European rulers to extend their control in the lands they ruled.

Which of the following properly expresses this belief?

Monarchs during the time of absolutism believed in divine right. which of the following properly expresses this belief?

What type of government did most European nations have during the eighteenth century?

Most European nations were ruled by absolute monarchs in the eighteenth century. Some of these monarchs considered themselves enlightened despots.

European monarchs who wanted to enrich their countries by exporting more then they imported practiced the economic policy known as?

Mercantilism was the economic policy European monarchs used in order to enrich their country via exporting more than importing in the trade's market. During mercantilism's peak it was a very effective tool for the monarchs at that time in causing the enrichment.

What are the effects of absolutism?

Think about it. What is a monarch? Someone who rules with absolute authority, right? History is always a good example when you have a question like this. Look up the names of some absolute monarchs (pretty much any king in European history during the 1600's).Also, think about the Declaration of Independence and the reasons it gives for choosing democracy.If you're not really interested and are just looking for a simple effect, then try this:Absolute monarchs have the power to determine whether someone lives or dies. That seems like a significant effect to me.

Which Monarchs reigned during this time?

You need to give more information. What Monarchs? What period did these Monarchs reign?

How did government view the role of citizens during the era of absolutism?


Why didn't England have absolutism?

Absolutism was only possible in Europe after the sovereigns were able to overcome the local vested power of nobles, through the use of national armies without local agglomeration. However, during the feudal period, English nobles (barons) forced the monarchy to guarantee their legal position with the Magna Carta. As a result, when the English monarchy would finally be militarily capable of asserting absolutism, it was effectively prevented from doing so because of the barons' power in Parliament. Conversely, French, Spanish, Prussian, Austrian, and Russian nobles did not have these protections and lost power as monarchs became more capable of consolidating their power under absolutism.

Townspeople supported monarchs during the middle ages because monarchs usually?

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