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Q: During the depression working women were?
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Why did working women meet with such resentment during the Depression?


During the depression working women were what?

With the high unemployment of the depression, many women who were working lost their jobs. Employment schemes were generally aimed at keeping men working, so many women remained unemployed.

What problems did working women face during the Great Depression?

Women who worked faced numerous problems during the Great Depression including low wages, harsh working conditions and not being treated equally as men. They also were given menial jobs.

Why did working woman meet with such resentment during the depression?

During the Great Depression, many men faced unemployment and economic challenges. As a result, there was widespread resentment towards women who were working, as they were seen as taking jobs away from men who were the primary breadwinners. This resentment stemmed from the societal norm that dictated that men should be the ones supporting their families, and women working outside the home was seen as a threat to traditional gender roles.

Why did women meet with such resentment during the depression?


Why did more women work during the Depression?

Women needed to bring in extra income during this time.

Does pregnancy cure depression?

No, it does not. Usually most women experience an increase of depression sometimes during their pregnancy.

What struggles and pressures did women experience during the Depression?

Women faced several new challenges during the depression. Because of a lack of decent work, many had to become breadwinners along with their husbands in order to survive.

Who held rallies and hunger marches during the depression?

women in oklahoma city

The Working status of many people during the great depression?

Unemployed you gobble goose! :)

What did labor unions change during the great depression?

Working conditions and unpaid wages.

Why are women sad?

Women are more than twice as likely to develop depression than men. This can be attributed to differences in hormonal changes between genders. Females see higher depression rates during puberty than males, they experience hormone changes during PMS, and pregnancy and postpartum depression are stated differences that may explain why women experience higher rates of depression than men.