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Unemployed you gobble goose! :)

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Q: The Working status of many people during the great depression?
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How did the economic effects the war help bring an end to the fighting?

Working class people, as well as women, were fully employed during the war, and their status, once defined as upper level status.

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During the 'brasero' program? Temporary workers with a special working visa.

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Depression can affect up to 1 in every eight teen age girls. Teen aged girls are at a slightly more prone to depression caused by social factors such as image and socioeconomic status. You can find out more by visiting

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They rebelled against the status quo.

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Depression, anger, etc.

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Health status

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There is no real known cause for a psychotic depression. These factors increase the risk on a depression however: History of depression, Female gender, Low socio-economic status, Traumatic childhood, Isolation, Negative outlook and behaviours.

What was the social status during the civil war?

typical people trying to find the answers here ha ha

What was the class of most US soldiers sent to Vietnam?

The class of soldiers sent to Vietnam was the Marines,Army,and, the Special Ops

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China was severely affected by the Great Depression. The economic status of the country become worse and the general cost of living become unbearable.

What happened to the black people during the apartheid?

Under apartheid, people from the Indian sub-continent were classed as 'coloureds' and had a status between that of whites and blacks.