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the arts flourished

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Q: During the middle kingdom Egypt conquered new territories the pharaohs made many improvements and?
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What area of conquered by New Kingdom Pharaohs?

Syria and Palestine.

What was source of Nubia's wealth?

The wealthy kingdom of Nubia had important gold mines. Pharaohs of the middle kingdom conquered Nubia and used its wealth.

What contributed to most to nubia wealth?

The wealthy kingdom of Nubia had important gold mines. Pharaohs of the middle kingdom conquered Nubia and used its wealth.

What is the different in how the pharaoh ruled in each of the three periods?

In the Old kingdom Pharaohs had absolute power.In the Middle kingdom Pharaohs should be "good kings ".And in the New Kingdom Pharaohs should be all powerful.

What were the pharaohs of the middle kingdom called?


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What Was the pharaohs Salary?

The aswer is The alary Is the Kingdom

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In which dynasty did the reign of pharaohs end?

Old kingdom NEW KINGDOM!!! I swear!

What was the largest kingdom conquered by Alexander?

the largest kingdom conquered by alexander the great was Persia . your welcome :) ✔

What areas did the Egypt conquered during the new kingdom?

The areas the New Kingdom conquered were Egypt's Canaanite, Nubia, and Libya.

What did the pharaohs do in the old kingdom?

they built satues, priminds