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Q: During variuos types of exercise from aerobic to anaerobic all three energy systems are activated?
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Is Ju Jitsu an aerobic or anaerobic exercise?

It uses both the aerobic and anaerobic systems extensively

What is the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobics?

Aerobic exercise is exercise with oxygen, in other words, exercise that gets you breathing hard by utilizing your cardiovascular system. Running, jogging, swimming, and walking are examples of aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is exercise without oxygen, in other words, exercise that does not get you breathing hard. Doing a single squat or bench press are examples of anaerobic exercise. Actually, every exercise is at least slightly aerobic or slightly anaerobic. Also, many anaerobic exercises can be made aerobic simply by doing more of them, for example, doing 50 bench presses or squats without pausing.

Which type of training is both aerobic and anaerobic?

Both the anaerobic and aerobic systems are utilized during training. Metabolic changes that occur through this type of interval training.

Is wrestling a aerobic or anerobic exercise?

wrestling is a mostly anaerobic sport involving constant work with short bursts of near maximal intensity over a 6 minute match. although the aerobic systems plays a small part in a wrestling match, wrestlers must have good anaerobic strength andendurance (very different from aerobic endurance) to be successful

What are the energy systems in basketball?

Psychologically basketball requires energy from the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. This combination of energy requirements is often refered to as an intergration of energy systems on a continuum over time.

How long does the aerobic system last for?

It is long term. That's what you'll use after you ATP-PC and your anaerobic systems.

Why is there more carbon dioxide in exhaled air during exercise?

Primarily the removal of carbon dioxide that is created as a by-product of anaerobic exercise that occurs alongside aerobic. Basically, when cardio or other exercises are performed the body is using all three systems at once while some are more dominant than others: aerobic, anaerobic, and anaerobic alactic. So your body is creating CO2 as a by-product of the creating of ATP through aerobic respiration and with anaerobic you are getting lactic acid, that requires buffering. So not only are you trying to get rid of the CO2 but you are trying to buffer the lactic acid that is accumulating.

What energy system is used in rugby league?

All energy systems are used. ATP-PC Anaerobic Aerobic All players use the different systems throughout the game.

Why can't the two anaerobic energy systems be used to fuel long periods of exercise?

Because neither of these systems requires oxygen to produce energy

How does the respiratory system affect the cardiovascular system?

Aerobic exercise strengthens the ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to provide oxygen to body tissues efficiently. In the short term, aerobic exercise increases heart and respiratory rates.

Is 400 meter hurdles anaerobic or aerobic?

the 400m is an almost entirely anaerobic race if run competitively. This is because the body cannot adequately supply energy through the oxidative system alone. Thus the body reverts to the ATP-PcR and fast glycogen systems to produce energy more rapidly. Both of these processes produce usable energy without oxygen, thus they are anaerobic.

When do you do aerobic vs anaerobic?

The truth is that there is never only aerobic or anaerobic situation in our body. We train/get active using percentages of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.(e.g 80% to 20%) A lot of sports use more the aerobic energy production like 3000m running in track and fields, walking, swimming 1500 m etc Some other sports/activities use more anaerobic like olympic weight lifting, shot-put, 100m running. And some sports start anaerobic and continue with aerobic like boxing. On the other hand, in one sport an experienced athlete may use aerobic energy and one begginer use anaerobic more (due to loss of techique). In Fitness industry, most of the women like aerobic exercises and they believe they loose fat or control their weight better than every other kind of exercise especially the anaerobic (weight training). During aerobic activity your metabolism burns calories for energy but that's all. During anaerobic activity your metabolism burns also calories (not so many from fat) but the results keep the metabolism in high level so: you burn more calories during all the remain day and the following days (and that is because your muscles get stronger or more massive and so the body burns more calories to keep them in working condition) I hope to answer your question for a better life. Thanks