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Q: During what stage the centromere does not divide?
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When does a centromere divide?

It is in Anaphase. ;)

In what stage do chromatids separate?

During cell divion (anaphase) .the centromere divides and separates the two sister chromatids.

Two chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point called?

The two chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point called the centromere. It is the point which it is attached to a spindle fiber during the process of cell division.

Is a centromere an organized display of an organism's chromosomes?

No, the centromere is not an organized display of an organism's chromosomes. A centromere is the point of the chromosome where it is attached to a spindle during cell division.

What is sister chromatids held together by?

Sister chromatids are held together at a region of highly condensed DNA called the centromere. The centromere region is very important during the process of cell division where chromosomes have to segregate into daughter cells. In addition, chromosomes are classified into different groups based on the position of the centromere

What phase do centromeres break?

Centromere splitting is something that happens to the Chromosomes during the M Phase (Mitosis) of cell division. During Anaphase (a phase in the M Phase), the centrioles that have sent out spindle fibers and are at opposite poles just tug at the centromere of the Chromosome, causing the centromere to split. Anaphase is basically centromere splitting, where the spindle fibers from the centrioles split the chromosome in half at the centromere.

In what mitotic stage does the cytoplasm divide?

The stage of mitosis in which cytoplasm divides is called cytokinesis. This stage is often simply called cell division. In this stage two daughter cells are formed.

Protein strands that attach to the centromere region during M-phase of cell cycle?

During Metaphase the protein strands that attach to the centromere region are called spindle fibres.

What divides during anaphase that allows the identical chromosomes to separate?


Sister chromatids are attached to each other at an area called the?

The chromatids are attached to each other at the Centromere. Hope that helps have a nice day.

What is the center of a chromosomes called?

The center of a chromosome is a centromere.

What is the function of centromere?

the centromere keeps the two sister chromatids together. its also where the chromosome attaches to the spindle apparatus during mitosis and meiosis.