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Q: During what war was Thanksgiving day declared a holiday?
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Which day was Thanksgiving declared?

Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday in America on October 3, 1863 by the then president Abraham Lincoln.

What year was Thanksgiving started as a national holiday?

Because there is another question relating to Thanksgiving which leaves out significant information, I shall answer this one. Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday by Abraham Lincoln during his first term of office. Radical Republicans were Protestants. Thanksgiving was a Protestant feast day. Lincoln appeased his Republican allies by declaring the day a US Holiday.

Was Thanksgiving Day a national holiday until 1863?

Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday in America on October 3, 1863 by president Abraham Lincoln.

What dates has thanksgiving been on since 1966?

Yes they are pulbished on the internet.

When was Thanksgiving a national holiday in England?

Thanksgiving Day is not a national holiday in England.

What holiday did Lincoln call for during the Civil war?

Lincoln called for a day of Thanksgiving.

What other 3 Presidents declared a National Day of Thanksgiving before Lincoln?

No other presidents declared Thanksgiving before Lincoln. He did it in 1863. FDR changed the date during WW2.

Who declared Thanksgiving a US holiday?

A holiday is a day on which individuals aren't expected to follow usual or even any work schedules. The day is supposed to honor a particular event or person. So Thanksgiving was made a holiday through the national proclamation of 16th U.S. President Abraham Lincoln [February 12, 1809-April 15, 1865]. The Lincoln Proclamation of Thanksgiving Day was issued on October 3, 1863. Subsequently, under the efforts of 32nd U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt [January 30, 1882-April 12, 1945], Thanksgiving Day became a federal holiday [55 Stat 862] in 1941.

Who created the Thanksgiving holiday?

William Bradford, William Bradford mentioned the first Thanksgiving with the Native Americans

When is Thanksgiving day in Australia?

No. Thanksgiving is a US holiday. It is not relevant to Australian history or culture.

Who declared Labor Day a holiday?

President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894.

What day comes after labor day?

In the United States, the next federal holiday is Thanksgiving.