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Q: Early organisms turned what in to oxygen making life suitable for other organisims?
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What organisms created oxygen on Earth making life suitable for other organisms?

Carbon Dioxide

What organisims do not need oxygen to survive?


What are the products of photosynthesis used by other organisms?

The products of photosynthesis is used by organisms because they products are glucose and oxygen. Organisms use the oxygen in cellular respiration and the glucose is used for energy.

What effect did photosynthetic cyanobacteria have on earth's environment?

Photosynthetic cyanobacteria were the first organisms to produce oxygen. The effect of their oxygen production was that the earth became an environment which was suitable for life.

Organisms that use oxygen?

Aerobic organisms use oxygen.

Did organisms that require oxygen exist before photosynthetic organisms?

It would be impossible for oxygen requiring organisms to exist before photosynthetic organisms because there was not oxygen in the atmosphere for these organisms to breathe. Photosynthetic organisms take carbon dioxide and water in and create oxygen as waste. Before these photosynthetic organisms existed there was not enough or any oxygen in the atmosphere for organisms requiring oxygen to survive.

What organisms require oxygen for respiration?

Aerobic organisms require oxygen.

What organisims uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen?

Plants containing chloroplasts

What are the 5 agents of weathering?

It is important to not that weathering does not involve movement of rock like in the case of erosion. The five agents of weathering are ice, water, waves, gravity and snow.

How do organisms at deep sea vents survive without oxygen?

These organisms do not need oxygen. They are called anaerobes.

What is the name of an organism that requires oxygen?

Organisms which need oxygen are called aerobic organisms or aerobes. The oxygen is used in the process of respiration to release energy from food. Organisms which do not use oxygen in respiration are called anaerobic organisms or anaerobes. See:

What do organisms do with the oxygen they absorb from the air?

Organisms use the oxygen they absorb from the air for their cells. The cells need this oxygen in order to carry out their functions.