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2d ago

Earth's outer core is responsible for producing the magnetic field due to the convection currents created by the movement of molten iron and nickel. These currents generate electric currents that generate a magnetic field, making Earth act like a giant magnet.

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How does the convection currents cause te crust of the Earth to move?

Because the convection currents involve the Earth's crust.

Earth is like a giant magnet because of convection currents in the?

Earth's outer core, composed of molten iron and nickel, experiences convection currents due to heat from the inner core. These currents generate the Earth's magnetic field, acting like a giant magnet with a north and south pole. The movement of these convection currents creates the magnetic field that surrounds and protects the planet.

What does the Earth's molten core create?

The Earth's molten core creates a magnetic field that helps protect our planet from harmful solar radiation and cosmic particles. This magnetic field also plays a role in guiding navigation systems and influencing the behavior of compass needles.

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The Earth's magnetic field is believed to be generated by electric currents in the conductive material of its core, created by convection currents due to heat escaping from the core.

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What are sources make up the earths magnetic field?

The earth's magnetic field is caused by convection currents in our core. The core is made out of iron, which is a magnetic metal.

How is the rock cycle related to the movement of earth's plate?

convection currents convection currents convection currents

Do convection currents cause earths heat?

No. Convection currents are the circular motion of earth's wind. If the earth did not rotate, convection currents would not be. Does that make sense?

How do convection currents affect earth?

Convection Currents affect earth by slowly moving the tectonic plates

Where do convection currents flow in Earth?

Convection currents flow in Earth's mantle, which is the layer of rock beneath the Earth's crust. These currents are responsible for the movement of tectonic plates and the formation of features like mountain ranges, volcanoes, and earthquakes.