

Earth to mars in miles

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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When the two planets are at their closest they are 33,926,867 miles apart. When they are furthest apart 249,169,848 miles.

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The Earth's distance from the moon or Mars is always changing. The closest the moon can get to Earth is 225,622 miles. The farthest it can get is 252,088 miles. The closest possible distance from Earth to Mars is 33.9 million miles. Therefore the Earth is always much closer to the moon than Mars, no matter where they are in orbit.

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What is the comparison of size between mars and earth in square miles?

Size is in terms of diameter which is measured as miles and not square miles. Mars has a diameter of about 4,222 miles whereas Earth has a diameter of 7962 miles .

What is the size of mars relation to earth?

earth is 93 million miles that is with six zeros and mars is 47 million miles the difference is46000000 46 million miles difference

How far is the earth from Mars when Mars is farest from earth?

Mars is 36,000,000 miles from Earth and no Mars is the fourth planet from the sun(Mars is right beside us) Sun.......... Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

How far away is Mars?

Mars is 48.7 million miles from Earth, on average.

How far is the Moon from Mars?

Earth is about 93 million miles from the Sun. Mars is about 139.5 miles from the Sun. The distance between Earth and Mars depends on where each is in its orbit. At their nearest, they would be about 46.5 million miles; at their farthest, about 232.5 million. The moons of Mars are much closer to Mars itself than these distances from Mars to Earth of the Sun. So since we are rounding off distances to the half-million miles, for all practical purposes Mars and its moons are the same distance from Earth.