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During the Columbian Exchange, education played a role in the spread of ideas, languages, and technologies between the Old World and the New World. Jesuit missionaries played a significant role in the education system by establishing schools and teaching indigenous populations. They introduced European languages, sciences, and religious beliefs to the native peoples. Overall, education was a tool for cultural exchange and assimilation during this period.

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Why study comparative education?

Studying comparative education helps understand how different education systems operate, enables identification of best practices, and provides insights for policy-making and reform efforts in one's own education system. Comparing education systems also fosters cultural exchange, promotes collaboration between countries, and enhances global understanding and cooperation in education.

Why is it important to study comparative education?

Studying comparative education allows us to understand how different education systems operate and how they impact student outcomes. This knowledge can inform policy decisions, educational reforms, and best practices that can improve educational quality and access globally. Additionally, comparative education promotes cultural understanding and exchange of ideas between different educational systems.

What is the name of someone who teaches in order to receive free education?

A person who teaches in order to receive free education is often referred to as a "teaching assistant" or a "teaching fellow." These individuals provide instructional support in exchange for opportunities to further their own education.

How did askia and greats support of education affect timbuktu?

Askia and the Greats' support of education in Timbuktu led to the establishment of various schools, mosques, and libraries, transforming the city into a major center of learning and trade in West Africa. This support attracted scholars and students from across the Islamic world, contributing to the city's reputation as a hub of intellectual and cultural exchange.

Why education planning is intensely needed?

because with out planning in education we can't move our education.