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Starch is made up of single glucose molecules and it is a long-chain polysaccharide. Hydrochloric acid turns starch into disaccharides and monomers of glucose.

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Q: Effect of Hydrochloric acid on starch?
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What do butchers use hydrochloric acid for?

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What would a butcher want with hydrochloric acid?

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Why the solubility of salicylic acid in water change when hydrochloric acid is added?

Because of the common ion effect.

What will be the effect if you heat the Hydrocloric acid exceeding 66 degree celsius?

When it is headed, hydrochloric acid will cause hydrochloric acid fumes.Ê If the substance is heated, based on metals that corroded to create the acid, an explosion could be caused.

What acid is in stomach acid?

It contains hydrochloric acid.

Is hydrochloric acid an organic acid?

No. Hydrochloric acid is a mineral acid.