

Effects of egg quality during molting?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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14y ago

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Much of the nutrition (vitamins and minerals) a chicken takes in during molting period is used for feather renewal and egg production will slow considerably during this time. Once the molting is complete the hen will usually get back to producing good quality eggs. It is desirable to add a tonic to the flocks water during molt.

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Q: Effects of egg quality during molting?
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The molting process can take several weeks to a few months to be complete. Molting tonic is available to help speed the process but just a bump up in feed amounts and the addition of fresh vegetables will help replace vitamins lost during this time. You will notice a drastic drop in egg production during the molt also, it too will recover when the molt ends.

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No not really, the molt time for a hen will in fact slow egg production during the time it happens as the hen will need all its nutrients to produce new feathers. Egg production will pick back up at the end of the molting period when the hen can afford to put more of its nutrients back into eggs. Hens can actually molt just after they are one year old and they still have many months of egg productive life left in them.

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The central idea in the article "Judging the Value of an Egg" is that the quality of an egg can be influenced by factors such as the diet of the hen, the farming practices used, and the freshness of the egg. It emphasizes the importance of considering these factors when determining the value and overall quality of an egg.

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Not at all.

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