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Q: Electricity and load shedding Questions and answers?
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Related questions

How does load shedding affect society?

Load shedding encourages members of society to use electricity more efficiently. Also, it makes the society depend less on electricity as it is not always available.

What is meat by load shedding causes of load shedding and what is the solution?

Lack of electricity is called load shedding.There are many causes of load shedding some are: 1.demandz of electricity supplier's. 2.govt irresponsibility they are not paid full payment to electricity suppliers SOLUTION: We have to make some plains and arrange meeting and make sure them that we paid your payment in installments.

Why load-shedding is done during summer in karnataka?

Load shedding in Maharashtra is an effort to ration out electricity so that consumers have similar access. Load shedding involves cutting off the electricity in certain parts of the area for a specific number of hours each day.

Why has load shedding occurred?

Load shedding occurs as an effort by a government to conserve energy. Load shedding allows people in one part of a city to have electricity during some parts of the day and not during other parts of the day.

Definition of load shedding?

Action to reduce the load on something, especially the interruption of an electricity supply to avoid excessive load on the generating plant.

How can people reduce load shedding?

Bu saving the electricity power in house ,office & industries .

What are the effects of load shedding?

what are the effects of load shedding

What is load shadding?

Load Shedding is the action taken to reduce the load on something. It mainly refers to the electricity supply in order to avoid too much load on a generating plant.

What is the economic effect of load shedding?

Load shedding has the economic effects: 1. Industries can't run properly if their electricity services are continually unreliable. 2. the more electricity is made available the more the income for the country as a whole can become 3. electricity is the least abundant yet the most important energy.

Why does load shedding happen?

lack of finance and tax systems, government cut out electricity for certain hours

What is shadding?

Load Shedding is the action taken to reduce the load on something. It mainly refers to the electricity supply in order to avoid too much load on a generating plant.

Why does load shedding occur?

Load shedding happens when there is not enough electricity available to meet the demand of all customers, and an electricity (public) utility will interrupt the energy supply to certain areas. It is a last resort to balance electricity supply and demand.