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Hydro electricity

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Q: Electricty from rivers is called
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Can water produce electricty?

Yes, the water that is in streams flows to larger rivers. Some of these rivers are dammed to create a source of falling water. The water is put through tunnels then drops onto blades of a turbine which makes it turn, powering a generator. Producing energy.

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What is another source of renewable energy?

Another source of renewable energy is biomass fuel, hydro power which generates elecricity using dams and rivers etc, wind energy using turbines to generate electricty, solar power which absorbs energy from the sun to heat water and generate electricty. If you want to know more, check wikipedia or google...

Why is electricty important?

Electricty is important because it is the most common energy we consume and depend on inare evrey day lives.

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Does plastic conduct electricty?

No it doesn't .

How is electricty measured?

use voltage

What was Benjamin Franklin's challenges?


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Why do we need hydro power?

for electricty