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No. It depends what the atom is, first of all, because different atoms have different numbers of orbits and subshells.

In general, electrons want to go to a higher state (further away from the nucleus) but then they fall. The outside electrons are the ones that want to share bonds. Look up VSPER/electron configuration. I don't know how to explain it well enough, but I know how to read it.

H:H -Hydrogen shares electrons with another Hydrogen atom. Hydrogen has 1 electron-

H. ) the dot is the electron which should be written to the right of H and in the middle.

H.) your other hydrogen.

So now it looks like H:H (correctly drawn). The Hydrogens are sharing electrons in their bonds. This is why it depends on the atoms, because they have a different number of electrons that they may share. Look that up! It'll help-or at least tell you how many electrons there are for each atom.

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14y ago
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1w ago

Yes, electrons involved in chemical bonding are usually situated closest to the nucleus of an atom, as they experience the strongest pull of the positive nucleus. By sharing or transferring electrons, atoms can achieve a stable electron configuration and form bonds with other atoms to make molecules.

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9y ago

An interesting hypothesis. However you seem to have failed to grasp the lessons correctly.

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Q: Electrons that participate in chemical bonding are typically located closest to the nucleus?
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The subatomic particles that are involved in chemical bonding are electrons. Electrons are responsible for forming bonds between atoms by being shared, gained, or lost. Protons and neutrons do not directly participate in chemical bonding.

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No, inner electrons are not typically involved in chemical changes. They are tightly bound to the nucleus and do not participate in the bonding or interactions that drive chemical reactions. It is mainly the outer electrons, or valence electrons, that are involved in chemical changes.

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A pair of electrons not involved in bonding is called a lone pair. These electrons are typically found on the outer shell of an atom and do not participate in forming chemical bonds with other atoms.

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Valence electrons are the electrons available for bonding. Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom and they are involved in forming chemical bonds with other atoms.

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I think it's electrons.

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Chemical bonding is related mainly to electrons.

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Chemical bonding is the joining of atoms to form new substances. The properties of these new substances are different from the properties of the original elements. An interaction that holds two atoms together is called a chemical bond. When chemical bonds form, electrons are shared, gained, or lost.

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Electrons used in bonding are called valence electrons. They are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom that participate in chemical bonding by forming either covalent or ionic bonds.

Which subatomic particles are involveld in chemical bonding?

The valance electrons of an element are involved in chemical bonding.

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