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Lots of fish and crustaceans, fish like Antarctic silverfish to help with the bulk and glacial squid. which is a Cephalopod

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Q: Emperor penguins feed primarily on
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What do emperor penguins feed on?

Probably what normal penguins eat

Where do emperor penguins fit in the foodchain?

the emperor penguin feed on small fish which feed on krill

Do emperor penguins migrate before winter?

To feed on fish

What species feed on emperor penguins?

There are no species that feed exclusively on emperor penguins, but they do have predators. Killer whales and leopard seals hunt emperor penguins for food. Because of this, penguins will often gather in large groups at the edge of the ice, and wait until one dares to jump into the water first. If it's okay, they all come in after it. If not, they try to get to a different area before they go fishing.

What do penguins eat especially the ones in the antarctic?

Penguins eat small krill, squid, and fish. But the primarily feed on krill.

Why did emperor penguins get their name?

Emperor penguins are the largest of all penguins.

Are emperor penguins dangerous?

Emperor penguins are not dangerous to humans.

Do Emperor Penguins Have nicknames?

emperor penguins doesn't really have nicknames there just called a emperor penguins or just a penguin. :)

Does the male polar bear take care of the egg while the female hunts?

Polar bears don't lay eggs... you're thinking of penguins, primarily emperor penguins

Are emperor penguins birds?

Yes , Emperor penguins are a type of bird.

Why are Emperor Penguins called Emperor?

Emperor Penguins are the largest breeding penguin and they are large in size.

What are Giant Penguins?

Giant Penguins are emperor penguins: