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The end of line character on an IBM mainframe is the newline character (same as it is on Ascii platforms). The value, however, is different. It is a hex 0x25 (EBCDIC)

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Q: End of line character in mainframe file?
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In general each command in a script file is on a separate line, so it is terminated with a line terminator character (put it automatically when you press the Enter key). Unlike some programming languages, a script file does not need a special terminator for the end of the line.

What is the difference between binary file and text file in java?

HI... When you access a file from within C or C++ you have a choice between treating the file as a binary file or as a text file. C uses the fopen(file,mode) statement to open a file and the mode identifies whether you are opening the file to read, write, or append and also whether the file is to be opened in binary or text mode. C++ opens a file by linking it to a stream so you don't specify whether the file is to be opened in binary or text mode on the open statement. Instead the method that you use to read and/or write to the file determines which mode you are using. If you use the operator to write to the file then the file will be accessed in text mode. If instead you use the put() and get() or read()and write() functions then the file will be accessed in binary mode. So what exactly is the difference between text and binary modes? Well the difference is that text files contain lines (or records) of text and each of these has an end-of-line marker automatically appended to the end of it whenever you indicate that you have reached the end of a line. There is an end of line at the end of the text written with the C fwrite() function or in C++ when you

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There are two file types in C++ namely, text file and binary file. In text file EOF or end of file is represented by an end of file character having ASCII 26. In binary files EOF or end of file is represented by NULL in the file pointer

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Windows uses a character sequence to indicate the of a line, which is usually a carriage return - line feed sequence. This is two characters for the end of every line. You might see a sequence of x'0D0A' characters to end a line in Windows. UNIX uses the concept of a 'newline', which is a single character (usually a X'0A' character) to indicate the end of a line.

What is difference between text files in windows and UNIX?

Both platforms are ASCII platforms, but the difference is the line termination character. In Windows, there is a two character sequence to denote the end of the line (CR/LF sequence, 0D0A) For Unix, the line termination character is the newline character (0A), to denote the end of the text line.

A formatting mark at the end of a line that moves the insertation point to the beginning of the next physical line?

Line break Character

New line inside the command text?

The newline character is used to mark the end of each line in Unix/Linux. Usually the character is specified as the '\n' character, which equates to a 0x0A character in Ascii based systems.

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Assuming that the file contains just textual stuff, create an object to represent it: stuff = file ( 'stuff.txt' ) To read a line of the file at a time: line = stuff.readline() Python signals end-of-file by returning an empty line which you can test for in a construction such as the following: stuff = file ( 'stuff.txt' ) while True: line = stuff.readline() if line : # do something here pass else : break You can read the entire file using : whole_contents = If the file had contained binary then it would have been necessary to open it as such: stuff = file ( '', 'b' )

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Mainframe testing is normal maual tetsing done on Mainframe OS. The back end used is DB2 and it can be for a CICS/Batch program..