

Ensymes are usually what?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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14y ago

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Enzymes are usually something that reduces a chemical reaction.

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Enzymes are usually proteins that act as catalysts in biological reactions. They help speed up chemical reactions in the body by lowering the activation energy needed for the reaction to occur.

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Are ensymes lipids?

No, they a proteins.

What protein-based substances enhance digestion by making chemical reactions more likely to happen?

Enzymes are protein-based substances that enhance digestion by acting as biological catalysts, making chemical reactions more likely to happen. They speed up the breakdown of large molecules into smaller, more easily absorbable components during the digestion process, promoting efficient nutrient absorption.

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The protease ensymes are digestive ensyme that break down protein.

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protein is used in the development of skin,hair,ensymes,muscles,himoglobans,nails.

Do enzymes speed up a chemical reactions?

Ensymes speed up a chemical reaction by acting as organic catalyst, a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.

Can cells reuse their ensymes?

Yes Enzymes are sometimes called biological catalysts, which means that they speed up reactions without getting changed themselves in any way. This means they can be used again and again. The only time that this is not true is if the enzyme somehow becomes denatured (damaged so it can't work), by temperature or pH.

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Central VacuoleThe The Central Vacuole is the organelle within the cytoplasm of plant cells that temporarily stores food, ensymes, and wastes.

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The correct spelling is usually.

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