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they include:


water aviabilty

soil type

pressure of the area

and geography (like mountanious, planes, valleys etc.)

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Temperature, light, plants

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Q: Environmental factors that create different habitats include?
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What are the negative environmental impact?

There are many negative effects of environmental degradation. These effects include the loss of habitats and certain species in an environment.

What environmental factors include abiotic component?

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What is environmental factor?

Environmental factors are any influences that the environment place on the item. For example environmental factors on the longevity of patio furniture would include moisture, temperature and sunlight.

How does environmental therapy diagnose environmental illness?

Environmental therapists use extensive testing to determine the environmental factors that may be causing illness. These factors include infection, allergy, addictions, and toxic chemicals.

What environmental factors?

Environmental factors in the field of psychology include the person's family and close relatives. It can also include factors such as their living conditions and the area in which they live.An environmental factor is a factor that influences living organisms. This can be things such as amount of sunlight, ambient temperature and the pH of the water in the soil.

What are factors affecting biodiversity?

Factors affecting biodiversity include habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, invasive species, overexploitation of resources, and disease outbreaks. These factors can lead to a decline in species diversity, disrupt ecosystems, and threaten the balance of natural environments.

What are animal habitats?

Animal habitats are where the animal lives. this includes abiotic and boitic factors. habitats include other species of animals,rocks,plants, water, etc. it is diffrent for every animal. habitats are were thee animal you are researching lives.

What are the examples of environmental factors?

Examples of environmental factors include air quality, water availability, temperature, soil composition, biodiversity, and pollution levels. These factors can have significant impacts on ecosystems, human health, and biodiversity.

Most environmental problems result from?

Most environmental problems occur as a result to human activity. These activities include the overpopulation, consumption of scarce land, water and air resources, and polluting native habitats.

What are the different factors contributing to individual differences?

Individual differences can be influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and cultural factors. Genetic factors include variations in DNA that can affect traits and behaviors. Environmental factors, such as upbringing and life experiences, can also play a significant role. Additionally, cultural influences and societal norms can shape an individual's beliefs, values, and behaviors.