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Q: Equation for the reaction of ethanol with fehling reagent?
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What is the function of Fehling's test?

Fehling's test is used to differentiate between aldehyde and ketones group. An aldehyde group will react with Fehling's reagent to give cuprous oxide resulting in a red precipitate. A Ketone group will not react with Fehling's reagent.

what is the equation for this aldehyde plus acidified potassium permanganate aldehyde plus Tollen's reagent aldehyde plus NaOH Cannaizarro's reaction aldehyde plus Fehling's rgt aldehyde plus Sodium H?

the equation for this are? aldehyde + acidified potassium permanganate RCHO + 2KMnO4 + H2SO4 → RCOOH + K2SO4 + 2MnO2 ↓+ H20 aldehyde + Tollen's reagent RCHO + 2AgNO3 + 2NH4OH → RCOOH + 2Ag↓ + 2NH4NO3 +H2O aldehyde+ Fehling's reagent RCHO + 2CuSO4 + 4NaOH →RCOOH + Cu2O↓+ 2Na2SO4 + 2H2O THAT's ALL I KNOW aldehyde + Sodium Hydrogen Sulfite

Maltose will reduce cupric ion in Fehling's reagent?

Yes, it will. Maltose has a free aldehyde group in its linear form, then this aldehyde reduces Cu2+ forming the cuprous oxide (CuO) which is a reddish precipitate. This is the Fehling reaction.

What is the structure fromulae of fehling's reagent?


What is the color when fehling a and fehling b are being mixed?

When Fehling A & B are mixed in equal quantities... Fehlings Reagent is formed which is DEEP BLUE in colour Hope that answers your question! :)

what is the outcome of tollens reagent reacting with methanal, ethanol and propanone?

The outcome of the Tollens reagent reacting with methanal (formaldehyde), ethanol (ethyl alcohol), and propanone (acetone) is the formation of metallic silver (Ag) in the case of methanal, while ethanol and propanone do not show a significant reaction with Tollens reagent. Tollens reagent is used as a chemical test to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones, where aldehydes react to produce a silver mirror, while ketones do not react.

What is the equation for the reaction between a carbonyl compound and brady's reagent?

bradys equals reduced compound :)

What chemical formula for Fehlings reagent?

The Fehling A solution contain copper sulfate.The Fehling B solution contain sodium potassium tartrate and sodium hydroxide.

What is the equation for the reaction between tollens' reagent and butanone?

Does not react. Because Tollens' reagent only works with aldehydes. Butanone is methyl ethyl ketone (MEK).

Equation for aldehyde plus Fehling's reagent?

RCHO + 2CuSO4 + 4NaOH ----> RCOOH + Cu2O + 2Na2SO4 + 2H2O