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Q: Equiano was handled and tossed up by some of the crew as soon as he was taken onboard why?
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What does Equiano fear will happen to him when he is taken aboard the ship?

He thought the Europeans were cannibals and were going to eat him.

Why is Equiano so filled with terror?

Olaudah Equiano was the first slave to write an autobiography. He bought his freedom and ended up living in Britain a free man. When he was first taken from his home, Equiano was filled with terror because he had no idea what would befall him as a slave, or even where he would end up.

Does the TSA allow medication packed in an ice pack to be taken onboard an aircraft?

no it is not.

How did Equiano react to his white captors?

Equiano initially felt fear and confusion towards his white captors when he was taken as a slave. However, over time, he learned to adapt and navigate the complexities of his situation by observing and learning from them. Ultimately, Equiano's interactions with his captors shaped his understanding of the world and influenced his later efforts to promote abolitionism.

How does Equiano finally find out what is going to happen to him?

Equiano finally finds out what is going to happen to him when he overhears a conversation between his fellow captives and a sailor on board the slave ship who reveals that they are being taken to the West Indies to be sold as slaves.

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They are handled with gloves on. Raccoons can deliver a bad bite. Caution must be taken to prevent this.

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no but you can re-get your other one if it is somehow taken away or tossed

When was Olaudah Equiano sold?

Olaudah Equiano was sold into slavery in the mid-18th century, around 1756, when he was approximately ten years old. He was taken from Nigeria and eventually brought to the Americas, where he endured the hardships of slavery before eventually purchasing his freedom.

What did Olaudah Equiano write?

Olaudah Equiano wrote his autobiography, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African." In his narrative, he recounts his experiences as a slave, his time serving various masters, his travels, and eventual freedom as a prominent abolitionist figure.

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no,because no chemical reaction has taken place while the salad was being made

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Hermit crabs get stressed when they get taken from the wild, taken from the pet store, and when they are handled too much.

Where did Olaudah Equiano live his life?

Olaudah Equiano was born in a region known as "Essaka" near the Niger river in modern day Nigeria until he was kidnapped by kinsmen and taken to the English colonies. He lived in America most of the rest of his life until he finally found freedom and decided to travel to the Mediterranean, the Carribean, the Atlantic, and the Arctic and then went to London and involved himself in the abolishment of the slave trade