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That would be the Ainu, although to call them a minority is a misnomer and a contradiction in terms because see, a good 90% of the Japanese, are a mixture of three peoples, namely, the Ainu, the Jomon, and ancient Korean Yayoi, who arrived in Japan around the 200 year period from 100 B.C. to 100 A.D. The overpowering majority of the Japanese people, with the exception of the royal family, have all three genetic influences in roughly equal measure, most Japanese are indeed, native to Japan. The majority, are equal parts Jomon, Ainu, and Yayoi, however because two of those groups are indigenous to the island archipelago, who have been there since the stone age, that means the Japanese are, well, what else? Japanese. I learned this from a nice middle aged Japanese gentleman, who was sick and tired of the general ignorance in his country; in Japan there is a lot of ethnic arrogance, and because of that, they believe themselves to be "descended from a great mainland Asian people." In reality that is a myth of course, although, ignorance persists, in that some Japanese actually believe themselves to be descended from the Mongols. Again the truth is, the two most prominent bloodlines in Japanese genetics, are Jomon and Ainu, both peoples, indigenous to the islands from the time of the stone age. That means the people of Japan have very deep roots there, as their culture is in fact just as old as China's. Indeed, most Japanese, do not look too much like mainland east asians, they DO look different; that is the Ainu and Jomon blood in them. That is why I said, to call the Ainu a "minority" is a contradiction in terms, because all Japanese have at least SOME Ainu in them. Regarding the so-called ethnic wars, the situation in ancient times was, that when Korean immigrants first arrived, originally, they were hostile but in time so much intermarriage occured, that they settled there, and intermarried freely with the locals, pretty soon all distinctions where dropped. Jomon married with Ainu, and those kids grew up, to in turn marry with the Yayoi. The Jomon who were too proud, or unwilling to live under Yayoi rule, fled to the Ryu Kyus, where they became the ancestors of the modern people of Okinawa, the Ainu too proud to mix with anyone, actively warred with their mixed brethren, but were eventually defeated and driven north. Over time, as a group of people, so much intermarriage occured that "pure" Ainu are practically gone now. The truth is though, both Jomon and Ainu blood is very thick in Japan, and most Japanese are not aware of the fact that from the time of the stone age, they have not been anything else except Japanese. Oh yeah, one more thing; you know all the history I just talked about? Somehow.......... that makes many Japanese girls.............. even cuter. [[User:|]]stardingo747

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The Ainu people are an indigenous ethnic minority in northern Japan, primarily living in Hokkaido. They have a distinct culture and language that is separate from the majority Japanese population. Historically, the Ainu have faced discrimination and marginalization, but efforts are being made to preserve and promote their unique heritage.

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